"Sister is not good" Li Cheng smiled angrily on the cylinder.

"Uncle, can you sing?"
"Sister is not good either!" Li Chengzhu couldn’t wait to slap in the past and be ignored. Is it crazy to hear these conversations?
"That uncle you …"
I don’t know what tricks the little girl has. Li Chengzhu looked at the pink and lovely face and couldn’t bear to blame again. He hurriedly reached out and grabbed the delicate face and pulled the little girl’s mouth so that she couldn’t spit out a word any more. Only then did he proudly say, "Sister, where are you going at night? My brother-in-law and I are going to have a rest." As he spoke, he gnashed his teeth and looked at the twisted and deformed little face. It felt really cool.
After the pinch, before the little girl reacted again, she quickly got up and made a color for the two ladies and went over to the room.
Small sized photograph and Gu Linglong looked at the pinched Xiao Mei widow, and she was a little reluctant to know more about her husband’s idea. But at the moment, it is not time to be soft-hearted. It is the right way to get rid of this goblin as soon as possible. For her husband’s eyes, she hinted that the two ladies looked at each other and obeyed him.
The little girl sat behind Li Chengzhu and shouted, "Uncle, I’m looking at Xiao Yan Ran. Come out early and don’t exceed half a wick."
Li Chengzhu feet a turn head to ruthlessly glared at his sister-in-law, who said he was mentally ill? Isn’t this Satoshi? I cursed myself for premature ejaculation by the previous sentence.
This night, the original bed was extremely dissolute and ancient and exquisite, and the phoenix bed was added. The sound was evacuated from the sky. You can hear it far away. Li Chengzhu also specially added a sound insulation barrier to the small film room. The performance of the small film was also good. From implicit to unrestrained, the two ladies felt that their voices were not clear at the smoke, so they had to sit on the bed and meditate, and the aura was restored.
Li Chengzhu walked out of the room, beaming triumphantly. She was staring at her sister with bloodshot eyes, face-to-face and angry expression. She pouted her mouth and looked at him bitterly. That night, her sister was tortured badly. It made people uneasy. She didn’t listen to the rest until dawn. Did this make a mature woman stand it? No matter how small she is, she is a mature woman. Her aunt has never experienced this kind of injustice, but her stubborn personality has kept her going.
"Yi elder sister you also? Rest? " Li Chengzhu asked in surprise. He couldn’t conceal his look. A night of dancing made him dissolute. He deliberately showed the teeth marks bitten by Xiaoying on his chest.
"Well, it’s okay, the little smile is also very good." Xiao Mei replied weakly with blinking eyes, but she couldn’t help but glance at the red place on her brother-in-law’s chest.
"Then trouble my sister to look after the exquisite and small sized photograph for a while. It is estimated that I will come out after a while. I have to go out." Li Chengzhu proudly showed his man’s glory and then ran out last night. The old father-in-law said that he would send a hero post to Guangfa. Today, I have to discuss it with him. After all, picking up the patriarch is his own hero post and writing a domineering post.
On the second day, I repeated the scene of the night before. After a day’s rest and maintenance, Xiaoying and Gu Linglong’s voice came back again as if they were competing. Even if they knew it was a play, Li Chengzhu listened to the dragon’s head and rippled with joy
When I went to observe the results in the morning, I saw my sister sitting quietly and feeling her brother-in-law coming. My sister smiled with her eyes open.
Li Chengzhu was puzzled. Yesterday, he heard his eyes red. How did he get sick today?
My aunt smiled mischievously. "Uncle, don’t you know that there is a spell called sound barrier in this world?"
It’s not stupid to rely on this girl. Li Chengzhu can pie pie, and so can her sister.
The enemy is too tenacious to change the strategy. Li Chengzhu specially charged Xiaoying and Gu Linglong to gather the sound into a line and directly break through the sound insulation barrier of the sister cloth into her ears
On whether the two ladies, Xiaoying or Gu Linglong, are taller than Sister-in-law and break through the natural problem of her boundary.
On the morning of the third day, when Li Chengzhu looked again, my sister was really tired with red eyes.
My aunt’s perseverance and tenacious vitality are beyond Li Chengzhu’s imagination. After more than ten days of torture, she actually survived. As a result, Gu Linglong and Xiaoying are reluctant to open their mouths easily because of their back pain every day. Even if they are co-repairing, they can’t stand it. What’s more, Boss Li is now strengthening his endurance and collision ability?
Li Chengzhu has never seen such a thick-skinned woman in one word for her sister-in-law, but she can rely on her super cute appearance to gain sympathy and pity from others. It would be strange if other women did this kind of thing without being regarded as being mean.
Li Chengzhu bowed the two ladies and the old father-in-law had already planned, and my mother-in-law didn’t object, so she lived in Xiaoying boldly, pestering Li Chengzhu to tell stories and sing children’s songs every day
Li Chengzhu comes to the net for these requirements of my sister. Anyway, I want to sing it to Xiao Yan ran. Let’s take it as a cheap sister.
However, the two people’s names have never changed. One bite of "uncle" and the other bite of "sister" shouted Xiaoying and Gu Linglong, and their goose bumps fell all over the floor. It’s true that what these two people with mental problems think has nothing to do with other people’s feelings.
And now Li Chengzhu is always pestering him whether he goes out or stays in the house. Who makes him so attractive? For my sister, Boss Li is a bit harsh. She pursed her pink mouth, upturned her little head, and her eyes were red with grievances. Who would not have the heart to blame my sister for being more and more arrogant when she saw such a lovely little girl? Xiaoying has no objection to it. After all, she has had unusual feelings since she was a child, but Gu Linglong is full of jealousy. She has never given a good face to this little girl who has come out to disturb her happy life.
At the same time, the test of the elders’ association has also been carried out one after another. Although the heroic post has been issued, it is a fact that Li Chengzhu is the patriarch, and his strength is more than enough to be a patriarch. However, Cheng Liuhong refused to give up and let her eat the sap again and again.
The patriarch is borne by him, but the test must also be carried out. Liu Hong has made up his mind to make a fool of Li Chengzhu and deal with the men’s elders. He will think extensively and show a farce against the various weaknesses of Boss Li.
Boss Li stayed up and strode in the courtyard, whistling and flirting when he saw a beautiful female brother. Anyway, now he is not the patriarch, and he will definitely take the lead in setting an example. This childish behavior is absolutely unacceptable. Li Chengzhu took advantage of the fact that he was light and had more eye addiction and mouth addiction.
Head-on, I walked past a female brother with a twisted snake waist and amorous feelings. Boss Li opened his mouth and stared at it with his eyes wide open. At the same time, he eloquently commented, "Well, the chest is quite big, but it’s a little hard to beat the waist. It’s definitely not a virgin to walk with a foreign character. I’m so coquettish by this look. Does Acacia actually have such a stunner?"
Hehuan’s younger brother is good at practicing Mei Shu, and it is an essential thing to practice Mei Shu together. All the younger brothers have successful eyes and amorous feelings. This is also the reason why Li Chengzhu was fascinated by her at the sight of Xiaoying. At the beginning, Li Da’s boss was so weak that he couldn’t withstand Xiaoying’s eye-catching. Li Chengzhu was still happy until he was trapped.
This woman looks coquettish and straight than Xiaoying, but Qin Suge doesn’t have such dissolute eyes. As the saying goes, there will never be another family’s cake in Li Chengzhu. How can you not be tempted to see such a stunner? Boss Li Er also looked up and praised it.
The coquettish female brother’s feet around him stumbled. Boss Li’s load quickly stepped forward to hold his hand, and at the same time, a delicate fragrance floated into his nose.
"Miss, are you all right?" Li Chengzhu has a gentleman’s smile on his face, but he doesn’t want to eat tofu
The female brother’s face turned red and hurriedly pulled out. Li Chengzhu shook hands and winked at her little hand. Autumn spinach was wholesaled like a wholesale shop owner. "It’s okay. Thank you for your help."
"It’s good if nothing happens to a woman like Miss." Li Chengzhu fearlessly looked at the female brother’s towering mountain peaks and cultivated immortals. It’s really ridiculous to have a mistake in such a thing, but Li Chengzhu’s words are just nothing to find words.
Feeling the naked eyes, the female brother stood up and stood up, which made her breasts bigger and longer. Jiao said, "I just came back from paying homage to my husband, and I was in a trance and my head was a little dizzy."
Li Chengzhu’s nostrils are blowing hard, and such a stunner is actually a widow.
Before Li Chengzhu could speak again, the female brother reached out and rubbed his forehead, and then fell into the arms of Boss Li with a soft step.
"Miss, are you all right?" Li Chengzhu stretched out his hand to hold one side of her tiger body, and then put his big hand through her arm as if inadvertently and put it on her chest. He slowly rubbed his mouth and asked with a sneer.
"A little dizzy" female brother looks as if he is very tired. If Li Chengzhu didn’t see a purple jade hanging on the corner, she might really be fooled by her. This woman’s acting is too realistic.
The female brother threw a glad eye and handed it to Li Chengzhu. It was just a show. I didn’t expect the warm hand to sweep her peak through the reiki, so she couldn’t help but tremble.
"Can you trouble Xianyou to take me back to my residence, which is not far from here?" The female brother followed the old words step by step.
I want to seduce a man to go home. Should I go to bed to discuss heaven when I get home? Li Chengzhu was amused. Who set this up? So retarded!
"I really want to send my young lady home. As the saying goes, helping others is happiness, but …"
"Oh, it’s so hot." The female brother simply threw his hands into the arms of this big fish, and the jade hand held him in the tiger’s heart. I have done this. If you don’t get emotional, you are really not a man. But what is behind this? Why is it soft like a human leg?
Li Chengzhu corners of the mouth still sneer at the same time, the big hand is unequivocally kneading the female mountain peak in her arms. For such a coquettish woman, Li Chengzhu is holding the mentality of eating as much tofu as possible.
When the younger brother was puzzled, he suddenly leaned out a little head with his tiger shoulder in his arms and asked tenderly, "Why are you pinching my leg?"
Just as her face was full of pride, she was ready to finish. The younger brother looked up and spoke to her. The young face had a petite and beautiful brow that could not be said to be angry, as if blaming her for touching something she loved.

Tianhe medicine is like a dark horse that has entered the pharmaceutical industry from the small town of Y City.

Read here, Du Yu pondered it carefully, picked up the stone table and entered the press conference. "Let’s go and have a look. After the press conference, I should also enter the new world, so let myself have a day off."
This month, Du Yu finally practiced the ice palm into a palm with the help of the ice cone magic, and it was much more powerful than the duke of mount deer Zhonglonger’s ice palm. This is because the ice cone magic and the ice palm are highly compatible. Although they belong to different bodies, they can be mutually confirmed when they are put into use.
As Du Yu learned the ice pick magic, there was another kind of energy in his mind. Du Yu called it spiritual force, spiritual force, condensed cold, and then Li Dantian force stimulated it. The cooperation of the two forces made Du Yu not only quickly master this palm technique, but also make it several times more powerful.
The next day, Pu Xian Street Xintongshang Square.
Du Xue has set the press conference of Tianhe Medicine, and the seventh floor of Banxin Tongshang Plaza shopping mall in Du Yu has a very suitable venue. All the preparatory work has been done smoothly in Du Xue.
When Du Yu arrived at the Xintongshang Plaza building, although the press conference had not yet been held, many reporters had been invited to come. In addition, it was a shopping mall and people were coming and going.
Among them, Du Yu knew a Xinglin medicine boss, and Du Xue, the former leader of the pharmaceutical industry in Wang Xinglin Y City, invited him to attend the press conference.
"Du Yu? ! You also came to attend the press conference of Tianhe Medicine? "
Wang Xinglin also found Du Yu in the crowd. Although his appearance has not changed since Du Yu won the Dragon Motome Prize, he exudes a distinctive temperament. In Wang Xinglin’s eyes, Du Yu has a feeling of standing out from the crowd.
"Yes! I’ve been too busy recently to relax. "
"Then let’s go and have a look. What kind of helm has this Tianhe Medicine changed? I heard that it is a beautiful woman."
In Wang Xinglin’s eyes, Du Yu once learned about the pharmaceutical industry here. Now Du Yu’s financial resources and personality will not come here because he came to attend the press conference of Tianhe Medicine, and the sudden rise of Tianhe Medicine made Wang Xinglin feel a great sense of crisis. The so-called Tianhe Medicine will definitely affect Xinglin’s pharmaceutical business.
There happens to be one kind of medicine produced by InXinglin medicine that belongs to the same class as Tianhe spray.
"All right, then go and have a look with Boss Wang."
There are many people in Y City in the crowd, but Du Yu knows Wang Xinglin, and one person simply follows Wang Xinglin to the mall and sits on the press conference ladder on the seventh floor.
On the seventh floor, there were already many people waiting for Du Yu to enter the venue, and they saw Du Xue at a glance. Similarly, Du Xue also found Du Yuwang and nodded to Du Yu.
"Du Yu, that’s the boss of Tianhe Medicine. It was a beautiful woman." Just entering the venue, there was an exhibition stand with Du Xue’s photo printed on it. Wang Xinglin recognized Du Xue at a glance. "Hey, she has seen it for us! And nodded to me! Being a leader in medicine in Y City respects her predecessors, which she has done well. "
Du Xue’s response to Du Yu fell into Wang Xinglin’s eyes, but it became his attention. When Du Yu heard Wang Xinglin’s words, he smiled gently and didn’t feel relieved or explain. Since he misunderstood, let him misunderstand. If he came to Du Yu, he wouldn’t want to be a public figure.
"Welcome to the press conference of Tianhe Medicine today. I am Du Xue, general manager of Tianhe Medicine."
Visitors from all walks of life took their seats one after another, and the press conference was held as scheduled. Du Xue presided over the whole press conference and answered all questions calmly and smoothly.
"Excuse me, Mr. Du, we know that Tianhe Medicine was on the verge of bankruptcy, but now it has come out and produced such a magical medicine as Tianhe Spray. Can you explain this?"
"The former Tianhe Medicine was eliminated by the market due to backward technology and was on the verge of bankruptcy. It is indeed a lesson worth remembering for us. After I took over the new Tianhe Medicine, I kept in mind the principle of continuous research and development and continuous progress. Tianhe Spray is only the first product launched by our company. In the future, we will launch more production societies to create greater value."
"Is it true that Du Zong heard that the formula of Tianhe spray was developed by several top scientists for decades, and these scientists are all Tianhe Medicine?"
"Hey hey! Tianhe medicine does have a group of outstanding scientific researchers, but they are not the producers of Tianhe spray. And when it comes to Tianhe spray formula, Tianhe medicine has signed a phase contract with some departments, and two years later, it will hand over the Tianhe spray formula to the state, keeping only the first manufacturer’s hope, and colleagues who are concerned should not worry about the formula problem. "
Du Xue dialect detonated the whole press conference. Two years later, the news that the formula of Tianhe spray was released was different from the blockbuster Tianhe Medicine, which was different from Tianhe spray formula in exchange for two years’ development.
This decision is made in the form of Du Xue’s United States. Tianhe has just been established to make plans in the face of severe situation, and this plan has also been approved by Du Yu.
Everyone can see that Tianhe spray has great limited value, which is why there are not a few people who spy on others, and there are many ruthless people among them. It is extremely important for Du Yu to let Tianhe spend the most growing period and choose a partner.
Du Yusheng, a Chinese in peacetime, has a sense of belonging and pride in his heart. When he faced this problem, he chose to make the Tianhe spray formula public in exchange for developing and strengthening himself in two years.
In two years, it will be enough for Du Yu to develop Tianhe Medicine into a behemoth, while in two years, Du Yu will experience 24 times of the world, and by then, Du Yu’s strength will probably reach a terrible level.
Du Xue announced the news, which not only paved the way for Tianhe’s development in the past two years, but also deterred some people with crooked minds and weak human strength. When Du Yu strived for two years of development and growth,
Du Xue presided over the successful completion of the press conference, which also laid the foundation for Tianhe Medicine to become the overlord of Y City Medicine.
Wang Xinglin muttered in his heart that his heart was mixed from the press conference. If Tianhe Medicine threatened Xinglin Medicine before the press conference, Tianhe Medicine will definitely replace Xinglin Medicine as the leader of Y City after the press conference.
"How does manager Wang look unhappy?" Du Yu see Wang Xinglin worried asked in my heart.
"Du Yu, you …" Wang Xinglin saw Du Yu’s flashes and thought of a way.
Before, he wanted to pull Du Yu into Xinglin Medicine, but Du Yu refused. Now Tianhe Medicine suddenly appeared, which made Wang Xinglin have to put the shareholding on the table again.
Du Yu’s family is absolutely expensive. He needs to find a few more friends to let them invest in the financial resources to crush and crowd out Tianhe Technology. In addition, he must find a way to study the formula of Tianhe spray or get it directly. Since Tianhe can sign a contract, he can also sign Xinglin Medicine.
"Du Yu y city pharmaceutical industry will definitely be a great future. Do you have any idea to take a stake in our Xinglin medicine?"
"Take a stake in Xinglin Medicine? !”
Du Yu is a little in distress situation. He has just established Tianhe Medicine, and Xinglin Medicine has become a competitor. I didn’t expect his competitor to want to pull him into the stock market. This joke is a bit big. Of course, Du Yu decisively refused.
"Mr.wong, you’ve got the wrong person. I’m not in the mood to play medicine recently. Please find someone else. I won’t accompany you if I have something to do. See you later."
Chapter 16 New World (Asking for Recommended Tickets)
At 11: 50 noon on January 1st, there are ten minutes left before the new VR world.
Du Yu lay quietly in the big bed, already ready. He waited for the arrival of the new world in several different places. This time, Du Xue was with Du Yu.
"Boss, can you take me in this world?"
After Du Xue was repaired by VR system, he knew the host identity of VR system Du Yushen.
Now Du Yu wants to enter the new world. Because of his sincere scientist status to Du Yu, Du Xue hopes to enter the world with Du Yu.
No matter what kind of world Du Yu will face, Du Xue, a biochemical person, has the ability to record and learn the knowledge of that world and then feed it back to the real world and Du Yushen.
It is of great help to the real world black technology infiltration plan to enhance the strength of Du Yu.
The advantages of bringing Du Xue outweigh the disadvantages.
"Take you? ! Du Xue VR world is a very dangerous place. Are you going with me? "
Du Yu obviously didn’t realize the value of bringing Du Xue into the world.
"The danger of biochemical people is not considered for me. If my main chip does not damage the boss, I can limit my resurrection."
Moreover, I am a scientist with the ability to learn and study literature knowledge, which can help your boss to better tap the potential value of the world.
"Mining potential value? ! You mean recording and studying other things in the world? "
Du Yu Du Xuexing realized the importance of this problem.
That’s right. If the boss wants to improve his strength as soon as possible, it’s a good choice to take me. I can help you bring out a lot of things from the world that you can’t take away, such as knowledge.
"good! Then you can go with me, but for safety reasons, I will usually put you in the VR object and call you out when I need you. "
Du Yu, with a wave of his hand, will bring Du Xue’s income to VR, although it takes Du Xue a lot.
However, the biochemical Du Xue is too fragile, that is, an ordinary person can destroy her and repair her. The VR coin in Du Xue is as high as 5VR coins at a time.
So Du Yu is quite interested in her Ann.
Ding! Jump to twelve noon
From the VR virtual world system, there is a feeling that Guanghua Du Yu’s consciousness becomes blurred and falls into a coma. Even if Du Yu’s strength continues to rise, it can’t resist this feeling.
"Du Yu handed this 97 tunnel material document to Minister ministry of materials and equipment Fan and needed his signature."
The speech was made by a young man dressed in gray and white. When he saw him put a document full of dense words on the desk in front of Du Yu, he turned around and left the office.
Du Yu looked at the documents in front of him, got up and observed around him. The staff in the office were very similar to the real world.
This means that the world that Du Yu is about to face is a modern world, so what kind of world is it? What will VR arrange for him?
Du Yu heart andao "I know about this world now, let’s trigger the main line first to determine what the world is."
Du Yu picked up the desk file and quickly found Minister ministry of materials and equipment’s office and went straight over.
"It’s good news for me that the world should be a normal mode, not a perverted mode, from the role assigned to me by VR."
When! When!
"Come in!"

Compared with yourself a month ago.

There has been a great progress.
Now adjust Liu Yuan, his odds should be good.
But now see Liu Yuan this frank sample Lalor suddenly a little unconfident.
But it’s out, and Lalor can’t take it back.
Thinking of this, Lalor said with a horizontal heart, "Since you have promised the ninth seat of Liu Yuan, then … let’s make it three days later."
Liu Yuan nodded and passed Lalor.
Looking at Liu Yuan’s distant back, Lalor suddenly had a bad feeling.
He won’t … lose to Liu Yuan again, will he?
Can think of yourself this time the science of uniting the results Lalor or pressure in the heart.
It’s impossible that he has grown so big these days.
How can you lose to a freshman who just entered the school?
Unless Liu Yuan also rose to the gold level this month.
But he clearly remembers Liu Yuan’s toad pet beast.
The grade is still silver and there is still a certain distance from the gold grade.
And pet animals want to reach the gold level in addition to their own spiritual strength to meet the requirements.
You must also master domain skills and master domain skills.
There is no reason to speak of.
Some pet animals can understand the core of their field in a few days.
Some pet animals may not have the core of their own field for a generation.
Lalor thinks that Liu Yuan’s toad is gifted even if you take it again.
Raise the level to gold in a month, and then realize that the field technology has broken through to the gold level
This is somewhat a fantasy, isn’t it?
Lalor took a deep breath at the thought.
How can he belittle himself before the challenge has even begun?
At least he used to be the ninth seat!
Chapter 325th Three Gold Level Field Technology Integration
Dahuangta Arena
A month ago, many people gathered here because of the battle between Lu Yuan and Lalor.
A month later, today, with Lalor once again challenging Lu Yuan.
There are also many people gathered here.
And with the end of the hunting season in November
Many sophomores and juniors gained a lot in that hunting season.
Therefore, there have been two ten-seat challenges in this month.
But as a result, except for Lu Yuan’s victory over Lalor in one month.
No one left has defeated the opponent.
This also makes many freshmen and sophomores white
Ten seats is always ten seats. It is not easy to defeat their roots.
These are ten people standing at the top of the students.
Is stepping on a genius Uber for several days.
If you don’t have something to say, it’s just self-humiliation to challenge rashly.
However, Lalor’s challenge to Lu Yuan is not the scope of self-humiliation
For outsiders, Lalor’s strength and Lu Yuan are equal.
When Lu Yuan defeated Lalor,


Soon after
Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Honghuang
It will not be as scarce as before.
At that time, it was the real world.
The main frequency of the mixed-yuan road in the wild is due to the struggle between heaven and earth, and even saints can’t hide their awns.
Even when it is difficult for saints to dominate the universe.
However, it is precisely because of this that the great avatar’s energy department has put extra power in the chaotic fiend struggle to deal with the innate fierce beast.
This also makes the innate fierce beasts in the wilderness more and more powerful, and the magic door is becoming more and more arrogant. The Terran innate alliance is gradually difficult to control the situation and is being beaten by both sides.
Even the third generation brother of Xuanmen had to be suppressed by the second generation brother of Magic Gate.
It’s not that the three generations of Xuanmen’s younger brothers don’t give force, but that the magic door doesn’t obey the rules and sends out the older generation of experts to bully the younger generation of Xuanmen. It would be a ghost if it can be beaten.
Such a congenital fierce beast chaos completely broke out.
The flood has entered a situation where the magic rises and the road disappears.
As that flood situation became more and more dangerous.
The heavens are moving!
Heaven Emperor Haotian Ziwei Emperor Ziwei Gouchen Emperor Zichen’s Antarctic Emperor Razer
A statue of the Emperor of Heaven and three emperors went to the vast land to suppress the congenital fierce beast magic door chaos for four half-step mixed-yuan realms together
Heaven is light, so it lives high, so it is closest to heaven.
The flood and the disaster are vast, and the heaven can remain calm as always and has not been affected by the turmoil.
It is also because of this that heaven can spare most of its strength to quell chaos in the vast land.
On the contrary, it is the underworld.
The underworld is located in the deepest part of the vast land, and its surface is bottomless and nine secluded places
No one knows how many secrets Jiu You has buried, but one thing is certain: there is definitely a chaotic fiend wreck in it.
Even if it is as powerful as the universe, it is impossible to completely transform the chaotic fiend.
Therefore, those fiend remains that have not been transformed by the flood source have no value and sink into the market as waste treatment.
What is still valuable is that it has sunk into nine secluded places, and the power of the years has gradually strengthened refining and refining.
Come here is a very best laid plans.
But with the chaos fiend’s true spirit breaking the seal, it became a huge pit.
Almost at the same time, dozens of chaotic fiends rushed out from the nine deep and remote places to storm the underworld.
If it weren’t for been fuelling The six great divisions in the wheel of karma plate to suppress these chaotic fiends, even the underworld would change hands today.
Is it The six great divisions in the wheel of karma’s suppression of these chaotic fiends or some reluctance? It’s not that these chaotic fiends are too strong or that The six great divisions in the wheel of karma’s is too weak, but that The six great divisions in the wheel of karma’s plate is under too much pressure.
The The six great divisions in the wheel of karma disk of the reincarnation treasure of the universe is not running at all times to maintain the reincarnation of the universe
Is there more reincarnation in the big day?
And the reincarnation of living things needs strength.
The more creatures, the greater the need for strength.
On weekdays, it is already a big burden for The six great divisions in the wheel of karma Pan to see the whole cycle of life and death, even if he is a chaotic treasure.
In particular, with the outbreak of congenital fierce beasts and chaos, there are more creatures falling in the flood, and the pressure on The six great divisions in the wheel of karma disk is getting bigger and bigger, so we have to pay more efforts to maintain the normal operation of reincarnation
In this case, he still has to suppress dozens of powerful chaotic fiends, and even with the help of Houdi, it is gradually becoming inadequate.
Since then, the earth has turned into an afterlife, and the ghost emperor of feng du and the bodhi old zu of Styx have to join hands to mobilize the power of the underworld to help the afterlife suppress the chaotic fiend
However, just as their chaotic fiend was deadlocked, a large number of strange fierce beasts suddenly poured out of the nine places and launched an impact on the underworld.
They are more powerful than others, and have no fixed shape, like a soul, and their shape can be changed at will, and they are good at attacking the Yuan gods.
Ordinary means can’t hurt them.
Moreover, among them, Taiyi Jin Xian has the largest number of fierce beasts, but there are also many fierce beasts with the level of Luo Jinxian being quasi-holy.
Fortunately, after the Lich War, Xuan Ming Zuwu went to the underworld with her lucky witch people and defected to Been.

Zhang Yihu pie pie said, "It’s hard to say. After all, people are a country. It’s not easy for us to make you think hard about it."

Even Zhang Yihu, who has always been arrogant, has been somewhat pessimistic. What’s worse?
Zhang Yi slammed the handle of the chair and growled, "Immediately send a telegram to Cai E to order the troops stationed on the Sino-Vietnamese border to launch shelling on Vietnam, and order the 10th Division to move in the direction of Vietnam immediately, and always give the French some color to see!"
Since arriving in London, this Lubei has been secretly tripping for many times. If it weren’t for this small fact that William II cut his face in front of everyone, William II wouldn’t hate his head!
Zhang Xiaohuai was surprised and said, "It’s unwise for the President to play against France at this time. Come on, we’ll fall behind …"
Zhang Yi waved his hand and said, "We are shocking the mountain and telling them that China is not good at bullying the French, isn’t it trying to make a secret trip? Then let’s give them some color to see if Lubei dares to be so arrogant!"
Zhang Xiaohuai hesitated and said, "What if the French take the opportunity to unite with other countries to attack us?"
Zhang Yi Yinyin smiled. "Hey, hey, if they don’t know the time, then we will sacrifice the plane as a killer. I don’t believe that the plane can lure them to remain calm and United!"
Zhang Yihu nodded and replied, "At this time, we must not be soft. The softer we are, the more they will push their luck. Not only for the French, I suggest that Brother Huai Jin should move to wake up tomorrow!"
Zhang Yi nodded and said, "Good tiger will do as you mean! Yunnong, send the newspaper! "
Zhang Xiaohuai nodded and went away.
This is destined to be a sleepless night. Apart from the unsatisfactory negotiation table, the resurgence of smoke has also cast a shadow over the hearts of leaders of various countries!
The Chinese revolutionary army shot again!
Chapter one thousand two hundred and twenty-nine The Treaty of London
The next day adjourned as usual.
However, since it is the recess, it is still not so calm. The Chinese Revolutionary Army has a new military fire in Tokyo Bay on the Sino-Vietnamese border, and the situation in the region is tense.
Got the newspaper Lubei Ito Bowen cried some dumbfounded during the negotiation period, and the Chinese Revolutionary Army dared to start work!
Lubei Ito Bowen, together with the leaders of other countries, came to China’s legation in Britain to meet Zhang Yi.
Lu Bei’s anger will take a big drink a way "Zhang Yi, what’s going on? Why did the Chinese Revolutionary Army fire on the Vietnamese border? At least a hundred shells landed in Vietnam. You must give me a definite explanation! "
Aside from Ito Bowen, he also shouted, "Aren’t you afraid of the international community’s censure for the sudden outbreak of war in Tokyo Bay by the Chinese Revolutionary Army during the armistice period between China and Japan?"
Aside Zhang Xiaohuai smiled and replied, "Your Chinese Revolutionary Military Newspaper has been sent to us. The first Chinese Revolutionary Army shelled the Sino-Vietnamese border because we learned that there was a bandit on the Sino-Vietnamese border. This smuggling of opium poisoned the health of the people of the Republic of China. It was a misunderstanding to capture the bandits before launching the shelling. Hey hey, don’t you French troops often hit the territory of the Republic of China? Second, the Chinese Revolutionary Army launched a war again in Tokyo Bay. This is purely a discussion. Now Tokyo Bay is occupied by the Chinese Revolutionary Army. There is an armed force here, the Chinese Revolutionary Army. We launched a war? That also needs an opponent. That’s just a normal exercise of the Chinese Revolutionary Army! I want to ask Prime Minister Ito Bowen if he aimed at Japanese villages in this exercise. Were there any casualties during the exercise? Do we also need your approval to conduct military exercises in our occupied areas? "
Zhang Xiaohuai’s words will come to blame people for being confused.
Everyone looked at Lubei Ito Bowen. Two people turned red and went to war? The Chinese revolutionary army has no intention of going to war, which is a misunderstanding and normal training. What can you do?
In particular, Ito Bowen has no words now. It is true that the actions of the Chinese Revolutionary Army are all aimed at the wilderness or the shelling near the village. How can it be called a war when the troops are not dispatched?
It is not uncommon for both sides of the Sino-Vietnamese border to shoot shells by mistake, and the Chinese Revolutionary Army has already said that this is to suppress bandits!
But is that the way it is? No one in the field recognizes this. Obviously, Zhang Yi, this is a demonstration. Aren’t you outnumbered? The old cannon is not a decoration!
Aside Belfo ha ha smiled. "Misunderstanding seems to be just a misunderstanding this time. Let’s stop obsessing about it and have a good rest and wait for the day to negotiate."
They all shook their heads in succession. William II was a little surprised to see that Zhang Yi didn’t answer. Others also left.
The next day, the negotiations started again. This time, it was very obvious that Lu Bei’s voice was lowered. Can the nonsense be low? Now France and Vietnam have less than two divisions. If they really fight, they are afraid that the French army in Vietnam will be cleaned up by the Chinese Revolutionary Army in half a month. Lu Bei doesn’t recognize that his two divisions can stop the bloody battle and kill the Chinese Revolutionary Army!
In William II, it’s just watching Zhang Yi cut a dash, and all I want to do is to let off steam. Since I’m angry, I won’t help Japan to talk. Americans are vacillating in other countries, and the British want to work hard but dare not show too much. After all, this is the home of Britain, and the influence of other countries is not enough.
In this case, Ito Bowen naturally felt that the pressure was increasing and it was difficult to resist. Finally, the British hinted that they had agreed to the compensation request of the Republic of China.
The final amount of compensation was determined to compensate the 45 million pounds of war losses of the Republic of China, which was delivered to the Republic of China half a month after signing the contract, and all prisoners of war were handed over to the Japanese one month after signing the contract.
The key compensation problem has been solved, and his problem is naturally solved.
By the fifth day of the negotiation, all the terms were confirmed.
Britain-led countries agreed to sign the London Security Treaty, such as
1. The Japanese surrendered the colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula and recognized that the Korean Peninsula belonged to the rule of the Republic of China. China recognized the Korean royal family and North Korea maintained a certain number of troops to safeguard the security of the Korean Peninsula.
Second, Japan admitted defeat and gave up all the benefits of Taiwan Province’s Ryukyu Islands and returned them to the rule of the Republic of China;
Third, Japan compensated China for the war losses of 45 million pounds after the signing of the treaty, and the compensation was paid by the British HSBC, France and France, and the Chinese Revolutionary Army captured 20,000 prisoners and delivered to Japan one month after signing the contract;
4. Japan reserves the right to recognize the dominant countries in the Java Islands;
5. The Chinese Revolutionary Army withdrew from Tokyo Bay in two months;
6. Open the national commercial market on the day to allow businessmen from all countries to enter the Japanese market on an equal footing, and open free trading ports in five cities including Osaka and Yokohama on the day;
7. Countries recognize that the sole legal government of the Republic of China, China, inherits all the territory of the Qing government, and the debts signed by the Qing government are not linked to the Republic of China;
At the request of the Republic of China, all countries in the world should abandon the concessions of coastal and riverside cities in China and ban all unequal treaties signed by the Qing government;
Thousands of words of the London Treaty have been signed, which means that countries have finally recognized China’s status as a world power. In the future, changes have taken place in the corner of the world. The Republic of China can be justified to participate in the status of a great power. It has never been played out, not given by others. This is the iron law of the world
After ten years of hard work, Zhang Yi pushed the Republic of China to the throne of a world power through a series of wars!
The leaders’ eyes are full of envy, jealousy, dissatisfaction, happiness and so on, but all these are not enough to change the status of the Republic of China as a world power, and the Republic of China will usher in a new era!
Chapter one thousand two hundred and thirty From France

He came to the outside of the hall and saw that there was no room outside Li Zhichang Hall facing a screen, and there was a copybook. Li Zhichang held out his finger and did nothing.

At this time, it was Li Zhichang hall, where the dynasty was still Cai Jing’s post, and Cai Jing was later called the Six Thieves, but now Li Zhichang’s name is not bad, and the law is not contemptuous. Li Zhichang now appreciates the’ Jiefu post’, but it can also be seen that Cai Jingfa is quite extraordinary. The world says that Cai Jingfa is "strict and informal, but nothing more than rules, just as Guan Jian’s adult discusses it in the temple; Walking like a noble man is full of enthusiasm and brilliance; There are few Chinese characters in this world. "This also coincides with Li Zhichang’s temperament. Ordinary people in Li Zhi have always been open-minded and not indulgent. It is no wonder that there are some appreciate each other for Cai Jingfa.
This post is gentle and charming in nature, but elegant in style, which is quite good for Li Zhichang’s spleen and stomach; However, the difference in the weight of each word stroke is natural; Putting pen to paper echoes the complicated changes and unified artistic conception; The branch’s word-for-word layout without careful arrangement has reached a’ vivid’ situation.
Others can observe the beauty of this copybook, but Li Zhichang can regard this copybook as a powerful swordsmanship. Li Zhichang saw the rise of fingers and wrote along the copybook.
You Tan’s martial arts has entered the door. Looking at Li Zhichang’s strokes seems to be very famous. Later, Li Zhichang’s strokes are getting longer and longer, but his gestures are getting slower and slower. Later, the vertical and horizontal closure seems to be a wonderful sword.
The more you look at the beach, the more fascinated you become. It turns out that every word written by Li Zhichang is a trick of swordsmanship. Every word is a change. If there is a long change, there will be more short changes, but there will be less complicated changes. It will not make people feel humble, shrinking, dignified, inchworm-like, and dangerous. Like a sly rabbit, it is vigorous and vigorous, and its elegance is like the wind, like snow, dancing, and squatting like a tiger.
You Tan is also a martial arts family. He knows that Li Zhichang is a powerful martial arts, so although he is very reluctant to look away, it is a big taboo to steal other martial arts. He knows that Li Zhichang may not care about this, but he can’t push his luck, so he forced his back and stopped looking.
At this time, Li Zhichang sounded, "Now that I’m here, you can have a good look at this road, and it depends on how much you can learn. At least you have learned from me for a few days. If you go out again, you will be beaten to death so easily."
You Tan knows that this is Li Zhichang taking care of him, so he will no longer wriggle back and have a good look at Li Zhichang’s move. You Tan has never seen Li Zhichang exert his martial arts. Although he learned from his uncle that this new eldest brother must be considered a rare expert in Wulin, after all, he has never seen Li Zhichang really powerful.
Li Zhichang rehearsed this swordsmanship over and over again for two hours, and learned it for half a year. It’s easy to remember this swordsmanship.
Finally, Li Zhichang stopped and said, "It’s none of my business if you look at it and remember it. I invented this swordsmanship temporarily, so I don’t know much about it. You can choose any name you want."
You Tan said, "This husband post was made by Cai Xueshi. Let’s call it Cai Gongjian."
Li Zhichang said, "Whatever you want."
After Youtan returned to Juxianzhuang, Youji was very happy. I didn’t expect that Li Zhichang would make Youtan’s injury better overnight. Most of them did so, and Hua Tuo and Bian Que were nothing more than that.
Youtan’s father, Youju, was delayed for half a year in Hebei, and he got the news that his child was seriously injured. He also rushed back from Hebei overnight to see Youtan’s peace, and he was so happy that he had to come to visit him to thank him.
However, Li Zhichang’s residence gate has already posted a seal’ the return date of the master’s long journey is uncertain’. Everyone in Juxianzhuang sighs. You Ju has always been good at making friends with strange people, and it is even more regrettable to lose his arm with such a master.
Li Zhichang, the black rose, borrowed for more than half a year, and was lazy and lazy to return it. He also put it off again and again, but he also knew that Tiantan Tongmu never killed women. Lingjiu Palace was also mostly taken by bad karma female Zhong Ling, who was taken by Tongmu. It is estimated that there would be no pain. Before he thought of it, sex was to go with the flow and travel thousands of miles to Tianshan, and his mind would fade.
At this time, due to the four wicked things, Li Zhichang remembered that it was Duan Zhengchun who went to Xinyang Xiaojing Lake to have a private meeting in Ruan Xingzhu. Duan Zhengchun’s private meeting lover would definitely not take Mu Wanqing as his daughter, but Qin Hongmian estimated that he would quietly follow the natural Mu Wanqing and would not stay in Dali.
Li Zhichang followed this line to guess that in nine cases out of ten, he could meet the woman Mu Wanqing met in Li Zhichang’s life, but Mu Wanqing was the most pure and honest to other people, and he couldn’t hide Wang Yuyan’s familiarity with martial arts. Although Wang Yuyan was beautiful and knowledgeable, Li Zhichang didn’t feel as kind to her as Mu Wanqing.
Taoism is too forgetful to cling to love, so Li Zhichang will not be afraid to have true feelings for anyone. Only love is the most touching. If there is no’ true feelings’ to set it off, how can it show’ feelings’ moving?
Li Zhichang rode a black rose and arrived near Xinyang in a few days. He knew the name Xiaojing Lake, but he didn’t know anything about it. However, Xinyang City has a branch of the Beggars’ Sect. He needs to find a beggar middleman. It is easy to find a place.
It’s getting late at the moment. He found an inn and ordered a bowl of plain noodles. He didn’t want another guest to come in the hall. This guest was a girl of sixteen or seventeen. She was dressed in purple and had bright eyes and always had sly eyebrows.
Most of his tables in this hall are obviously not at the time when the inn is busy. The girl in purple doesn’t sit anywhere but sits in front of Li Zhichang.
She said, "eldest brother, do you mind if I chat with you alone and sit with you?"
Li Zhichang light way "mind".
It seems that the girl in purple didn’t expect Li Zhi to answer so often. The bartender next to her envied Li Zhichang’s flying affair. I didn’t know that Li Zhichang had ignored this beautiful girl.
The bartender rushed to court and said, "If you don’t go to the balcony, we’ll call you some more songs to keep you busy."
The purple girl was furious. "You can sit wherever you want a talkative girl. Come here quickly. The girl is starving after a day’s work." Then she lost a gold table.
The bartender came to persuade her not to finish eating, and when she saw the gold, she gave up the idea of advice. She rushed back to report the food with the gold.
In a short time, the table was filled with delicious delicacies. Li Zhichang’s plain noodles were very poor. The girl in purple clothes seemed to be interested in Li Zhichang and asked him if he wanted to eat Li Zhichang together and smiled and refused.
The girl in purple said, "If you don’t eat, I’ll give it to beggars?"
She took a dish to the beggar outside the door. At this time, the bartender praised Ziyi for her love. She felt that Li Zhichang was too puzzled, and she felt that it would be great if he and Li Zhichang exchanged identities.
Soon A Zi came back. Those beggars usually eat leftovers. How can they be treated like this?
Chapter 42 Crazy Man
The girl in purple clothes kept an eye on the beggar outside while eating the food. When she tasted every dish once, there was still no movement as she expected.
The girl in purple frowns. Something bad seems to have happened. She thinks that she has regressed her kung fu.
Before you know it, Li Zhichang has finished eating the plain purple clothes. The girl has no heart. Li Zhichang comes out. Her eyes have been paying attention to what the beggar outside seems to observe.
Li Zhichang looked at the purple girl and said, "Xingfen is not a terrible poison, but at your age, it’s extraordinary to be able to downplay poison." The purple girl wondered why it was she who made Xingfen that the beggars were not poisoned. She naturally didn’t know that the Taoist priest sitting in front of her was perhaps a little more powerful than her master Ding Chunqiu in his theory of poison.
Li Zhichang’s voice is not loud, but the girl in purple clothes is like a thunder exploding in her ear. As soon as her look changes, the corners of her mouth are raised. "What did the Taoist elder brother say? My daughter can’t understand white." Then her left hand held her forehead hair and showed glittering and translucent white hands.
Suddenly, dozens of blue shadows shot at Li Zhichang. After flashing, I saw Li Zhichang’s chopsticks covered with dense blue poisonous needles. The phosphorescence sparkled and I couldn’t tell the evil spirit. Li Zhichang just used chopsticks to use the nine swords of Dugu’ broken arrow’ power. It’s not bad. It’s dozens of poisonous needles or hundreds of poisonous needles. He can pick them up as well.
The girl in purple never thought that someone would pick her up in this way, and her face froze with a smile. Li Zhichang didn’t seem to be annoyed by the girl’s sneak attack, but said with a lesson, "How can you be so vicious at a young age?"
Then Li Zhichang changed his tune and said, "It’s not surprising that you grew up in the Stars School. Without this temperament, you wouldn’t live much today."
The girl in purple said, "I don’t know what you’re talking about."
Li Zhichang chuckled, "This kind of scattered form and green phosphorus needle kung fu are all unique secrets of the Stars School. Still say it’s not?" Form scattered, green phosphorus needle is really the magic wooden door in Qinghai, but Li Zhichang knows that the girl opposite is Mu Wanqing’s half-sister, A Zi. Guess it is Ding Chunqiu who destroyed the magic wooden door and got these poisons.
The girl in purple trembled, "Well, what are you going to do with me?" She looked resigned and was thinking about how to get rid of Li Zhichang.
Li Zhichang smiled and said, "Not so good."
The girl in purple winked at Li Zhichang, and her eyes trembled like stars. She said, "Brother Taoist, you are very good. Remember, my name is A Zi."
Li Zhichang noncommittally sat at the table and watched A Zi go out. He knew she would come back.
As expected, A Zi just walked out of the door and whooshed back, patting his chest and cursing because there was a crazy A Zi outside. Naturally, he was not afraid of madness, but this madness was not ordinary madness. Seeing the street outside the door, a crazy man was covered in blood, holding two hatchets in his hand and dancing straight around to make it move and attack Ning. It was quite a famous style.
So crazy, the whole Xinyang City may not be able to find a second person to come here. Li Zhichang knows that it is called’ intertwined ten axes’ and specializes in enemy dishes. If A Zi hadn’t been alert and retired quickly, he would have been cut off. Then he would have learned from her family, Bo Duan Yanqing, such as practicing martial arts with crutches.
At the entrance of the Mad Han Inn, two swinging hatchets cut pedestrians horizontally and vertically, which is far away. Who dares to go close? At this time, it was the time when the inn business improved. The big fellow worried the shopkeeper to death at the door, but how dare they go to the door to drive away the crazy man?
Li Zhichang knew that the big fellow who was wasting his energy like this would be seriously injured. He got up and walked to the door. The big fellow saw a goal and shouted, "Don’t hurt my master’s grandfather and your horse for three hundred rounds."
He was delirious, but when his martial arts was still an axe, his statutes were strict and he didn’t make a mess. This move was very ingenious and clever, but how could Li Zhichang and other figures be hit by him? Li Zhichang made a move, such as holding down his shoulder, and the big man shook his body and wanted to struggle. Li Zhichang laughed. "He said that the other side’s strength was not small, but his five claws secretly increased his strength, so that he couldn’t move the pedestrians around him. Look at Li Zhichang’s white face, and Taoist priests could easily control this crazy man’s heart. Does this man have a hollow heart and regret that he should
It’s these onlookers who don’t think so. After the big fellow is arrested, his hands and feet can’t move. Hold the hatchet tightly and let go slowly.
With a thud, sparks flew everywhere, and the bluestone street was smashed with several notches of different shades. Obviously, the axe was heavy. Only then did they know that this big fellow really had to watch these idle people in the streets. Only then did they applaud and recognize that the axe was made of pure steel and was extremely heavy.
Bring this Han to the table. Li Zhichang pointed out that the big fellow God sealed the cave and Yang and force entered the big fellow body, which made him sane. He would definitely look at Li Zhichang and say, "Are you a good man or a bad man?"
A Zi laughed. "We are all bad people. Now you are in a den of thieves."
The big fellow struggled to get up and shouted, "I’ll fight with you."
Li Zhichang said, "Brother Gu, I’m not a bad guy, being original, Li Zhichang. You may have heard of it from your Duan Wang Ye."
The ancient name of the big fellow was calm and said, "Are you the one that the monarch has been looking for? How do you know me? "
Li Zhichang knew that the monarch in his mouth should be Mu Wanqing and then said, "Will there be a second person besides Gu Ducheng, the South Palace of Dali Town?"
Guducheng is even more surprised that his "intertwined axe" is a unique skill in the family, and it has never been exposed to outsiders. This man is also like learning that there are more important things now. He suddenly got up on the road. "Please go to Xiaojing Lake and leave the master and ask him to think quickly to avoid me and stop the big villain first." He said that he wanted to go to the door to pick up the axe.

When I ran to the building, I saw at a glance that Dai Xiao cloth, the head of the corner of the building, was squatting there shivering and there were several barrels of gasoline beside me.

Without hesitation, I picked up another barrel of gasoline, uncovered the stairs, and waited for the gossipy woman’s body to come after me and poured a few more.
At the same time, I told the men to open the lids of his petrol cans and put them beside me.
As soon as I ran to the stairs, Yang told me to export the gossipy woman’s body, and I followed her.
I feel in my heart that the impulse is the devil’s feeling that the ghost who is short of breath is still so attached to the gossipy corpse at the moment that he wants me to throw gasoline at the gossipy corpse again in melee.
I let the gossipy woman’s body burn, but I was even more delighted to see the gossipy woman’s body burned. The ghost of the possessed gossipy woman finally escaped from the gossipy woman’s body.
I was surprised to see the ghost’s real body. It was a dead female ghost who entered my house that day and was married in ghost.
I quickly shot the female ghost who just escaped from the gossipy woman’s body with thirteen stitches.
The female ghost’s isolated gossip corpse instantly fell to the ground and continued to burn.
The female ghost’s haunting spirit began to dissipate rapidly because of the thirteen stitches in the ghost door. The female ghost looked at me with anger and hatred in her eyes.
The war was over, and I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look far away. Those people told them that things needed to be solved too much.
After talking to those people, my eyes returned to the female ghost again, regardless of the mood of those people.
In a short time, the female ghost level has soared to the level of spectre, which makes me amazed at the speed of upgrading.
I’ll take out my backpack when the ghost’s body is about to dissipate and the level falls to the ordinary ghost. I’ll fix my body and remove thirteen stitches from the ghost door.
I want to know if the female ghost looks at me with anger and hatred. The female ghost can soar to the level of spectre in a short time.
"Give me a puzzle-where do you hate coming from? Your ghost power can rise so quickly." I asked the ghost coldly.
The ghost didn’t answer my inquiry and stared at me with hatred, while those people who had just got up the courage to approach the gossipy woman’s body quickly rolled away because I asked.
"Give me a solution, I can let you go back to hell and turn around; I can make the daylights out of you without confusing you. "I raised my eyebrows when I saw the ghost reaction.
I’m scared and scared before Nima. The ghost level is actually insufficient. I feel depressed and unstoppable when I think about it.
To me, this is an automatic brain tonic. It’s really enough to scare yourself and take off your joy.
When I open my mouth again, the ghost always opens my mouth to solve my doubts.
The female ghost said that she hated all the talents who were not directed at me.
Escape from ghost marriage, she chose to commit suicide, but after her death, her ghost wanderer got my advice that day and really went to hell automatically to think about an early reincarnation.
Who knows that she went to the underworld and didn’t escape being married?
The sophomore boy who died in a car accident turned out to be a ghost who had not been reincarnated, but was stranded in the Yin. When she arrived, she was directly taken away by a ghost to marry the ghost of the sophomore boy.
The female ghost said that she didn’t know that the world had suffered, but she still couldn’t escape the situation of continuing to suffer when she was in Yin.
At this point, the female ghost began to get excited, saying that people were corrupt and dishonest, and even so were Yin. It was only after she was forced to have a ghost marriage that she learned that the sophomore boy’s family did not know how to bribe Yin Zuosi.
Yin Zuo Si and Yin You Si share the power of Yin, which can be said to be evenly matched. Yan seldom asks about Yin affairs.
Reading in sections 137
All the yin affairs departments are pushed to the yin left department and the yin right department
The female ghost said that she could pretend to cater to the ghost of the sophomore boy and wait for an opportunity to spy on her.
Because she pretends to cater to the ghost of the sophomore boy, she gets an object that can make the ghost power rise rapidly, but before that, she needs to take it to the surface of the dead body that just died to make it work.
The ghost of that sophomore boy has helped her kill a lot of dead people so that she can possess the dead body that has just died and quickly improve her ghost power.
In a short period of time, her ghost power can reach almost the level of spectre, relying on the help of the ghost of that sophomore boy and the objects she got
Chapter two hundred and twenty-two, such as yourself.
The female ghost said that because her ghost power has risen to this level, and she has been pretending to be a snake, the ghost of the sophomore boy is now free to go back and forth between Yin and Yang to find the right person to die.
She wants to get rid of the ghost of the sophomore boy as soon as possible by possessing the corpse that has just died.
Possessing a corpse that has just died can make the object work faster, and she can also make the corpse look abnormal by raising the ghost power.
However, if you want that object to play its most effective role, you need to be able to take the body that has just died to a place with a strong yin.
She was anxious for success, so she took control of the gossip’s corpse building tonight.
The female ghost told me that the object was afraid that the fire would easily melt and disappear. She was in a hurry to find me desperately because the object had been destroyed from the moment she held the burning spell.
The female ghost looked me straight in the eye after finishing these remarks. Just now, she was full of hatred and said that since she was unlucky enough to meet me, please invite me to make the daylights out of her. She was fed up with the injustice of yin and yang, and it was boring to be a ghost.

"Deep unfathomable …? !” Yan feixue was shocked!

Can let the patriarch say unfathomable four words, so … what will it be? Is it too late? Or honour person …? !
Seeing the shock of swallow snow, swallow boat patted his younger brother, which made him value the younger generation most. "You have vowed to be frank sooner or later. I, Xuan Tianzong, are nothing to that ghost face, and you don’t have to be too afraid to come to the old-timer or you won’t bother to ask about the younger generation."
"So the younger brother is white." A swallow of snow and as one pleases nodded.
What worries him most is that in case Zongmen fears that the old-timer will let him be patient everywhere, then if he meets a ghost face, wouldn’t he be afraid of the enemy? Now that the patriarch has spoken, he is relieved of a lot of shame in winning the treasure. In the future, it is necessary to make the ghost look good. Anyway, not taking his life is …
After seeing the color in his eyes improve, the hatred in his eyes flashed by, and how could he not guess what was on his mind?
Seeing that he smiled, he looked at the white snowy peaks and ridges with his hands. "Feixue, do you know that my family name is Xuantian?"
Suddenly, I heard this question and asked Yan Feixue to answer casually, "I have always been a disciple of Xuantian Mountain, hence the name."
Laughter rang swallow boat with the wave "no, that’s literally"
"Brother, I’m all ears." Yan Feixue knew that she had failed to answer correctly and asked modestly.
Swallow-flying boat points to the vast sky and snowy mountains in front of us, hunting with big sleeves in the wind. Frank Shu said, "The Xuanzhe passes through the avenue, and the Tianzhe says that it is extremely harmonious, and the avenue is extremely mysterious. Xuantianzong is really a big brother. You must have the heart of heaven and earth to spy on the great road. Don’t be lost by distractions!"
Smell this swallow snow suddenly a quiver in my heart!
The original patriarch means that he can’t even let go of a little hatred, and he can’t be as broad as heaven and earth, which is easy to breed demons and make mistakes.
Once alert, Yan Feixue quickly bowed down and said, "I know my mistake."
"Get up" to see him this most valued junior could instantly understand swallow boat nodded with satisfaction.
Then he led the swallow of snow slowly to the mountain road and taught, "The practitioner is not calm when he is rebuilding his heart, but what he sees is just a square inch;" If you have a calm heart, you can see the world. Can you be white? "
Swallow flying snow can become a talented person on the Qingyun list. After he calmed down, he suddenly nodded, "I am a ghost, but I can’t fight for it. I can’t fight for the so-called victory and defeat, good and evil, right and wrong, but I am tempted by one thought. I can’t see all the true colors."
"Very good!" Swallow boat nodded and smiled at swallow snow with satisfaction. "If you can understand these things, you will have won half the ghost face."
Yan Fei Xue Wen asked puzzled, "What about the other half?"
"Ha ha ~" Swallow boat meaning a smile puzzled swallow snow made her way forward.
Before the swallow of snow is ready, it is convenient to swallow the boat sound "When you offer your hands to Lingjing, you will win"
"This …?" Swallow snow leng in situ!
He didn’t give the crystal to the ghost face in vain, but he lost the crystal and the ghost face got cheap. Then how did he win?
But for a moment, he suddenly woke up when he thought of the previous patriarch’s teachings!
Immediately, the swallow of snow revealed a sudden smile and looked at the sky and snow ridge.
"Those who have a rising profit and a heavy heart call me Xuanxiu wonderful door …"
Chapter 243 Misty rain Huang Ge old hills recognize Dan Lao
Tianji Island, the southwest waters of the Lonely Sea of Tears
Tianji Island is surrounded by water and lives in the fog, with Xuanshi Heluo overlooking the island like a dotted line! And there are two huge suspended mountains in this huge island. The misty mountains in Shan Yu are sunny and the rosy clouds in Wan Li are shining.
At the top of Zuofeng Mountain, there is a 100-foot-high bluestone tablet’ Qingyun’, which is a Qingyun list. Look at the right peak, and there is a 300-foot-high white jade tablet’ Tianji’, which is the name of five major gates in Shanhai.
And misty rain pavilion is located in the suspended two mountains.
At the moment, the misty rain pavilion, Biliuyu and Qiongyu, is wearing a beautiful Shui Rou in a red gauze.
Miao Shui Rou is a deacon of Yanyu Pavilion, second only to the pavilion’s major, but also has entered Tai Yi.
Her beautiful eyes are like eyes, pointing to orchids holding a small teapot, constantly watering the tea cover, and bringing up a mist, a pair of soft and watery beauty.
Looking up slightly, Miao Shui Rou smiled and looked at the front, where he was sitting idly and fidgetingly shaking a scruffy old man with wine gourd.
This old man is a broken dragon pool, and Luo Yu once had a relationship with Huang Lao.
Put the teapot gently. Shui Rou pushed the steaming tea cup. If it looks like a peach blossom, please smile. "Is the owner of the cabinet, Shui Rou, making a new fragrant tea?"
The scruffy old man glanced at the small tea table, frowned and smacked, then waved, "No, no, fade out the bird! Shui Rou can’t give the old man a drink? "
Wonderful Shui Rou tea Yan mouth smile repeatedly "you are old and not ignorant of misty rain pavilion wine".
"Hey ~!" Huang Lao turned his head gloomily to swallow saliva and spat, "This broken rule has to be changed! And what’s wrong with you watery people? How to make the best of this bleak backwater? "
Red lips lightly took a sip of fragrant tea, and Shui Rou looked restless and kept talking. "The rules are that you always change or not, isn’t it that you always decide?"
Huang Lao scratched his head, and his hair became more and more disheveled. Then he sighed irritably, "Forget your habits. Anyway, I don’t often come to the old man."
Seeing Miao Shui Rou, Huang Lao turned his head and snorted with a clever smile. He picked up a dusty broken straw sandals and knocked on the wooden column beside him. The topic said, "Do you know that the ghost of the dragon is being punished?"
Miao Shui Rou’s body is misty and rainy, and the fact that the family has naturally heard the news.
Seeing that she put a tea lamp and nodded, "Qingyun Keqing has told the surfer that he has also been wrong."
"Well," Huang Lao nodded, still pounding the broken sandals in his hand, as if casually saying, "What do you think of that ghost face?"
Miao Shui Rou stopped his hand and picked up the teapot. She looked at the eyes and saw that the’ serious’ pendulum broke the sandals. The owner immediately Zhan Yan said, "Although the broken dragon pool seal was broken, it was really a ghost, but his killing of the dragon remnant soul was also self-incriminating. One thing is that the ghost looks unfamiliar. Mr. Jiu also checked …"
Ranging from wonderful Shui Rou to finish saying that Huang Lao has put on the straw sandals and brought up bursts of dust, the so-called interrupted, "The ghost face’s merits and demerits are not the remnants of Mo Ling because of his identity, so I won’t check it."
"Nuo" Miao Shui Rou’s eyes were soft and passed, and his life was slightly lower.
At this time, Huang Lao’s look suddenly turned to the east and looked surprised. "The Nine Immortals are going to break through the shackles!"
Wonderful Shui Rou pleasantly surprised to put tea "really! ?”
Looking at the East, Huang Lao nodded and said with certainty, "dzogchen, the shadow of the Nine Immortals, has stagnated for nearly a thousand years. It’s a hope …"
Then he took a broken straw sandals and ordered a little bit of body to lean back slightly to avoid the wonderful water. "You have added another one to the watery family. Congratulations when you drink a big white …!"
Suddenly, when I think of the wine here, Huang Lao’s cheerful face suddenly froze and then got up depressed!

Out of the community, Gong Sunqi took Li Lu down the street and Li Lu asked, "Why did you leave the shadow mink house? Don’t all five-star animals have temper? Do you dare to do this to it?"

Have a temper. This one does have a temper. When it is eaten, it has a special temper. If you don’t eat it, it will make you upset and compromise, or you will grab it by speed.
"If you don’t want to bring it delicious food when you go back, it can eat food," said Gong Sunqi.
Li Lu is still afraid of five-star animals, but even her father is afraid of animals. Even if the older generation of Li family wants to deal with five-star animals, they will bleed out, let alone take them alive or tame them.
"I can’t do anything if I settle down," added Gong Sunqi in his heart. It really can’t do anything if there is Shukaku. Is it still afraid that it will turn upside down?
Indeed, as Gongsun Qi said, it was Shukaku Shukaku Wang Qi Zhen who frightened Erha Erha that compromised and Gongsun Qi was very kind to it. At the beginning, it was to eat to lure the foodies and let Erha hook.
Li Lu came to the vegetable market. This is the first time that darling daughter came to the vegetable market. The smell of vegetables and fish and meat mixed with each other. Li Lu consciously covered his nose and mouth and fanned his hand. "This tastes so heavy."
"It’s good to get used to it. You’ve abandoned darling daughter’s identity. Now that you’ve abandoned it, you’ll be integrated into the civilians." Gong Sunqi took Li Lu to a vegetable vendor who was bargaining.
"It is normal to see that there are no ordinary people bargaining over there. A catty of vegetables can be cut to seven cents for a dollar. Although it is nothing to lose three hairs, it can save three hairs for ordinary people’s homes, and they can also have a sum of money over time. That’s how ordinary people save money."
Li Lu aside silently remember GongSunQi words and looked at the woman in front of bargaining to remember all this.
After taking Li Lu around the vegetable market, Gong Sunqi personally tried to show Li Lu what bargaining is. After buying vegetables, he went to another food stall and asked Li Lu to bargain in person. As a result, she was encouraged to buy a lot of vegetables.
Looking at Li Lu with his hands full of food and then looking at Li Lu nifty and sticking out his tongue, Gong Sunqi didn’t know what to say about her. Good Gong Sunqi pitted a lot of money in the cold sea of clouds.
"Come on, come on, let’s go home."
Before going back, GongSunQi didn’t forget to buy Erha something to satisfy his stomach.
When I get home, I’ll give the food to Li Lu. "You go and feed Yierha and Erha to enhance a relationship."
Li Lu took the food and trembled toward sleeping on the ground. Two, two, two, two, found someone coming over and opened his eyes and looked up. Li Lu looked at Li Lu and trembled.
"Erha, get up for dinner" GongSunQi shouted.
Shadow mink immediately got up and stuck out his tongue when he heard’ eat’. Seeing GongSunQi pointing at Li Lu and seeing Li Lu’s delicious hands, he jumped towards Li Lu, scaring Li Lu to throw the food away from GongSunQi.
Chapter 23 drilling bugs
"Get up" Li Lu knocked on the door of GongSunQi’s room "Get up for dinner", which is really like a virtuous wife telling her husband to get up for dinner.
Gong Sunqi woke up early in the morning. He didn’t miss the opportunity to exercise. He went out early in the morning to exercise, leaving Gong Sunqi in two places at once in the room.
It happened that at this moment, Gong Sunqi came back from an exercise with Erha, still holding breakfast in his hand. "Are you up?" GongSunQi said a little surprised that Li Lu didn’t stay in bed? Didn’t go to bed later and get up so early?
"Where have you been?" Li Lu asked.
Gong Sunqi put the breakfast on the table and looked at the table. Well, the table’ breakfast’ touched the nose. "I went out to exercise and ate breakfast outside. This is what I bought for you. You eat."
Li Lu was a little dissatisfied. She got up early in the morning to make breakfast and wanted to cook a delicious meal for Gong Sunqi. But Gong Sunqi sneaked out to eat and brought it back early.
Gong Sunqi shouted, "Erha came to eat."
Two ha heard’ eat’ moment things came to GongSunQi coquetry.
Come and be ready to eat with full appetite. You can see that Gong Sunqi brought it’ breakfast’. It’s not good. Can you eat this?
Erha humanized stretched out his paw and scratched it, which has become hard. The breakfast was touched by a fried black egg. Looking at that touch, it broke the fried egg and stared at Gongsunqi’s mouth with a whine.
Li Lu was the first time to see the five-star animal so humanized. She was afraid that Sun Qi’s abuse of the five-star animal would cause the five-star animal to fight back and they would be eaten in minutes.
Pick up the table and put it on the ground early. This has just been put on the ground. Li Lu hurried back. She still didn’t dare to face Erha, let alone touch Erha.
Er, ha, at the sight of the food, he didn’t talk to Gong Sunqi. He tactfully opened the package and ate it with relish. He learned to eat breakfast like Gong Sunqi. His predecessor held the straw with his paws and put it in the mouth of the soybean milk bottle with his heels. He drank it with relish.
"Not the kui is a five-star animal’s spiritual wisdom. It’s just that I just saw how I can suit myself now." Gong Sunqi couldn’t help but praise.
GongSunQi shine at the moment a full face of joy "Li Lu tell you one thing, I may have to go out these days, I will stay busy and Erha will protect you".
Li Lu didn’t ask Gong Sunqi what he was going out to do. When the cold sea of clouds left, Gong Sunqi said that he had something to deal with. From nodded, some people looked at him and were drinking soy milk.
Gong Sunqi squatted and touched Erha’s dog head. "Erha, I’m going out to Li Lu these days and I’ll leave it to you to protect it. If I come back and you can protect Li Lu, I’ll take you to a big meal to keep you full."
Erha didn’t listen to anything when she heard the words’ eat to the fullest’. Erha was so excited that she nodded her head while drinking soy milk, which was very funny.
It’s a lot of peace of mind to have a second commitment from Sun Qi, and it shouldn’t be much of a problem to have a busy person. "It’s time to deal with my affairs."
Didn’t say much to Li Lu. Divided a member to go to the kitchen and made a breakfast for Li Lu and went into the room.
The door Sun Qiqi leaned back against the door and took a deep breath. "I don’t know if I can rely on that bug to have some more cards."
"The sixth door of the door is open!"
The opening of Jingmen made Gongsunqi’s strength soar from E-class to E-class peak. Gongsunqi felt the blood boiling and the heart beating violently. "This is the door to escape armor. The more you go back, the faster the heart beats. If you open the dead door, the heart will beat violently to an alarming degree in exchange for the rhythm of life, thus draining the body function and raising the strength to a larger level."
Knowing a small part of the mystery of the door, Gong Sunqi felt that if he opened the seventh door, the strength of an E-level repair would be huge, and maybe he could jump directly from E-level to E-level.
Let’s familiarize ourselves with the sixth force of armor evasion, come to the bed and take a deep breath. "It’s coming." He is mentally prepared to bear the physical pain caused by that great force.
"Water magic opens!"
The water in the small pond in Dantian was mobilized and flowed to all meridians of the body. Every meridian of the body was full of armor. Two kinds of forces filled the meridians. Gong Sunqi put his hands on the mattress and his face showed a painful look. His meridians finally expanded to the point where he could escape armor in a short time. The fifth door power plus water magic and Shukaku power.
Now the door is hiding from the fifth door to the sixth door, and that power is not as simple as one plus one.
Beads of sweat oozed from Gong Sunqi’s forehead and slipped down his cheeks. "It’s not over yet." Gong Sunqi struggled. "Shukaku lent me your strength."
Shukaku hesitated a still didn’t give GongSunQi wake up, "can you stand it? Now you have reached the peak that you can bear. You have only achieved the seventh order in the first three powers, but now you have achieved the ninth order in the two powers. If you add my strength, I am afraid that you will die. "

Roaring far away, the dark clouds are thick as ink and frantic, and the whirling covers the pressure side, covering half of the sky as if it were extinct.

But even so, the robbery cloud is still accumulating and Tianwei is growing!
Looking at the nine-day closed snow valley peaks, all the demons turned pale.
"That … what is that JieYun? There is purple light …! "
"Is it that Luoyu … crossed the nine days?"
"Can’t you? Does he have a perfect world? At most 49 … "
"But … this day there is a purple dye out of the blue! And … and the momentum is so amazing, which is comparable to the thunder robbery in 1949? "
Obviously, the magic repair has also heard of Xuanxiu Du Jie. At the moment, seeing this Jieyun is so strange, they are all a little confused.
They naturally know that the’ pledge’ person in the snow valley is Luo Yu, but even if Luo Yu is strong, it is not enough to survive!
But in front of me, the clouds are blue and purple. How can this be comparable to the ordinary thunder robbery?
Seeing that a young monk was shocked and suspicious, he said, "That Luo Yu can’t be provoked. Why don’t you tell the Saint’s Temple?"
A long time ago, I was stunned by the smell of magic repair!
He was violent and rebuked, "Tell me what?"
Then he pointed to the snow valley. "Open your dog’s eyes and take a closer look. Did Luo Yu ever escape from the snow valley?"
The young monk looked fearfully at the snowy valley, and said, "No … No!"
Older magic repair lift then kicked him a scold a way "he los feather Du Jie do you a fart matter? Want you to tell Baba? You can’t see such a big battle in the temple of the virgin around the mountain city? Idiot ~ get out of here! "
Huanshancheng Fushan Jingdian
Nowadays, the mountain city around the ring has been renovated because of the arrival of Jia Nansheng. Temple guards and night guards can be seen everywhere outside the city.
At the moment, a huge Fushan Crystal Hall is sitting in the middle of a wide terrace with a graceful girl dressed in Xuan Zi Xia in Jingshi Yu structure.
Her chardonnay swallowtail spreads like a lotus blossom on the ground. Behind her, Zi Xia’s flying silk gauze floats like a dream. The veil is as beautiful as a fairy, and a pair of dew-exposed eyes are as beautiful as a star in Leng Yan.
She is the virgin Jia man of Mo Ling clan.
At the moment, she is overlooking a vast expanse of sky in the northwest, and the clouds are faintly visible, turning like a huge storm vortex, and the blue and purple light is always dark!
She gazed at the distant place, whispering like a whisper, like a natural sound. "… I never thought that you had ushered in the four or nine days, which was really fast …"
Yoga men who have entered the five-element cave naturally know that Luoyu will never sit in the snow valley and wait for it to enter the five-element cave and practice hard.
But ….. She didn’t expect that the speed of Luo Yu’s cultivation would be as fast as just three o’clock, and then she crossed the 49 Leijie directly from the fourth floor of Hechi to now!
I’m afraid the speed of terror has never been heard before.
I really don’t know what he will be like after ten appointments.
Looking out at the purple light looming in the robbery cloud, listening to the thunder, there are some contradictions in the man’s heart.
Although she doesn’t want the rapid rise of Luoyu realm to become a hidden danger; More don’t want to feather this unusually powerful LeiJie life-threatening.
Have to lock the autumn eyebrow muttered to herself.
"Well …"
The snow valley thundered and thundered!
Forget the hundreds of people watching by the river.
However, I saw nine days of overcast clouds, such as a huge millstone. At the center of the storm eye, a ten-foot-wide blue thunder has flowed, purple and dizzy, and it has fallen into the peaks and peaks!
For a moment, the earth shook and the earth trembled. From a distance, it was like a screen, and the snow peak burst into an avalanche thousands of miles away, showing a huge cloud ring that covered the sky and exploded!
Psst ~
They have been scared by this terrible power and took a gasp!
And even the ice sheet in front of their eyes is cracked by the thunder and sonic boom!
Obviously, this first thunderbolt is far beyond the ordinary 49 thunderbolt, and its power is simply overwhelming, and it can be broken like mountains and rivers.
At that time, the world was silent, and only the robbery cloud was still rolling and turning.
Everyone knows that the cloud has not dispersed, which means that Du Jie has not fallen!
Can such a powerful thunder force that Luo Yu is as hard as resistance? It’s incredible!
At the moment, before they think much about Snow Valley, they have started to laugh wildly.