"Marshal Kaizou Tianpeng was drunk, and now he is out of the bullfighting palace, and he almost knocked down the Heavenly Palace."

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he was furious. "Damn it, the gods went to arrest that fellow and take him to Lingxiao Hall." "obey orders" Picking up the Lingguan immediately will be the midpoint of Yaochi Club. The gods all petitioned and set off together to capture the canopy. "Empress, I have something to …

In fact, except for the level of god beast and sub-god beast, the six-color Dapeng Golden Winged Bird Fengpeng is already extremely strong among the wind-attribute animals.

If it weren’t for other places in the fixed wind field, it would be really rare to see them. Even if it’s empty, it’s famous, and it’s fast, and even if it’s fit, it’s not necessarily possible to catch it if it’s not torn In the ancient records of male and female witches and wizards, …


An extreme cold storm broke out toward the opposite Qi army. Large-scale freezing instantly filled the square with snow, and the frozen chill of the earth instantly made the Qi army shake with a jerk. "hmm? Break! " Another leopard-riding man bloomed with great momentum and waved a flame storm to resist Chen Yi’s cold. …

In the final analysis, the situation is also caused by Xiang Yu himself. To say that Xiang Yu has no doubt about concubine, Ning Caichen never doubted it. Take Fan Zeng as an example. At the beginning, Fan Zeng and Xiang Yu fell out because concubine Fan Zeng had personally suspected that concubine had problems and Guanghan Palace had problems, but the result was that Fan Zeng was dismissed from office. To say that Xiang Yu didn’t listen to Fan Zeng at that time, Ning Caichen didn’t believe him. He was sure that Xiang Yu must have listened to Fan Zeng, but it turned out that Xiang Yu chose concubine or chose Fan Zeng because he didn’t want to doubt concubine.

In the end, women who believe in themselves put together the ancient and modern history of bold and the beautiful. Shang Zhouwang and Zhou Youwang are two fresh cases. Both of them died because of da ji and praise, respectively. But in comparison, Ning Caichen thinks Xiang Yu is the most sad. At the very …

As time goes by, it’s dusk. At this moment, the sunset shines through the window and hides in bed like a sleeping beauty.

"pain" It hurts very much. This is the first feeling that Hancock felt when he woke up. When he looked at sleeping with Jos by the bed with one hand, his mind unconsciously echoed with the previous scenes. The picture was so embarrassing that Hancock felt hot and his cheeks could not help but rise …

This is indeed a very good young man. He speaks without any command tone, but he reveals a kind of prestige. I’m afraid it’s the star of hope here. If he has an organic conversation, he really wants to befriend this little guy.

Being able to "mix" from the general judicial machine to the position of captain, of course, he has rich social experience. Just now, Longyou said that others said that this can tell if Longyou in a large steel mill can control it and make the palm of his hand more sincere. Now it can be …

Looking at Zhang Ting from the back, the two brothers looked at each other and saw the white eyes from each other’s eyes.

At the same time, the two brothers looked at them with fascination. They just came back after sending Zhang Ting out. Hao Ren looked over here. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Hao Ren found that he had just returned and let these two guys stare at him like wolves’ eyes. Zhan Xi …