Things are found in front of you.

And Ji Yu is still the captain.
No wonder she is depressed now.
Cang Du will weapons to the side for a while will walk over.
Tianyang grabbed him. "Let Ji Yu stay alone. At this time, she doesn’t need comfort. She needs to be alone."
"She’ll carry it."
This time, Cang Du unexpectedly nodded instead of refuting. "Then I’ll report to the captain."
Tianyang let go of her hand and looked in the direction of Ji Yu. Her back to the camp shoulders trembled slightly.
In one minute, Han Shu called all Nightcrawler.
Ji Yu is back, although his face is not particularly good, but his eyes are finally shining again.
"Cang Du has just reported to me that from the experience of Huayu team, they should have broken into a nest."
"Black people’s lair"
Han Shuqiang stressed, and then added, "This nest is not far from us. If we don’t let it go, it may ruin our plan, and the Sun report the day before yesterday also pointed out that the black people seem to be looking for something."
"I doubt that they are looking for that flesh-and-blood device as much as we are."
"So I contacted Siyan beforehand, and he said that there was a similar situation in metropolis."
"The black people in metropolis are gradually moving closer to that flesh-and-blood device. It seems that the device sends a signal to attract the black people around."
I don’t know when I will come back. Kun Lan interjected, "Is the signal sent by the flesh-and-blood device to attract and gather black people?"
Han Shu shook his head. "It’s not clear yet, but all factors that affect our mobility must be eliminated."
Ji Yu Shen said, "Captain, what are we waiting for?"
Han Shu gave her a deep look, "Ji Yu, you and Cang Du will stay with the two teams."
"That nest will be handled by our raven team."
"You’ve just been through a battle and need to rest when you need it."
There is a flame flashing in Ji Yu’s eyes. "Captain, I am dead and I must avenge them!" "
Hanshu Avenue "Ji Yu, isn’t it your first day as a Nightcrawler? Don’t you forget that we are here to walk in the dark and die?"
"It is normal for us to die, but you are the captain now. I hope you will not be influenced by emotions or you will put other players in danger!"
Ji Yu’s body trembled slightly "Captain Me"
Han Shu’s eyes turned soft. "Ji Yu, I understand your mood, but you have to study since you became the captain."
"learn how to face death, so that you can better perform your own duties."
Ji Yu looked stupefied at the captain’s face and expression changed several times. Finally, he looked slightly dim and tunnel "I know the captain."
Han Shu nodded and raised his voice. "Raven team, let’s go!"
Then he picked up his axe and bit a cigarette and strode towards the periphery of the camp.
Tianyang brought all his equipment and put it on Nightcrawler again. When wearing this long dress again, the teenager felt that it seemed a little heavy.
Member car
Four falcon chariots started slowly away from the original place.
Ji Yu looked complicated and didn’t know what to think. He was about to leave when someone stopped him in the dark.
Cang Du
The ponytail youth looked away and said falteringly, "Well, don’t be angry with the captain. I think he is."
"All right"
Ji Yu smiled and patted Cang Du’s arm. "I’m not that fragile and I know that the captain meant well, but you are comforting people. It seems that Miss Indigo has a great influence on you."
Cang Du jumped up like a cat stepped on its tail and cried, "Don’t talk nonsense about nothing. It made me worry!"
Hum, hum, two ponytails and run away
Ji Yu smiled and sighed lightly.
The mouth says nothing, but the hurdle in my heart is not so easy to get over.
She took a breath and found a quiet corner to be alone.
After two steps, I suddenly heard a voice in front of me with a very low volume saying, "They just left."
Ji the rain stopped and her eyes narrowed slightly.
The falcon chariot is driving at a slow speed on an uneven road, and the car is swaying, which makes the sun by the window feel sleepy.
He looked out of the window
In the past, it was a bustling city, and those high-rise buildings made Tianyang think about it more than once. Before it became like this, people in these surface cities should be free and happy.
But now it has no glory and vitality, no neon lights, no Mercedes-Benz vehicles and no laughing pedestrians.
Now it is a corpse slowly decaying in the dark.
Those tall buildings are like city skeletons. They are still standing, but they are in ruins.
Dry waterways, broken roads, windows and those car wrecks all smell of death.
Death place. No
Tianyang withdrew his sight and spit out a foul breath. At this moment, the traffic stopped and then "we" sounded in the public channel of Han Shuyin’s chariot.
Chapter 499 Everything is exhausted
"We’re dealing with a nest this time."
Han Shuyin sounds unhurried and seems confident in his actions. "There shouldn’t be many nests in our team, so I’ll give them to you by the way."
"The first thing you want is a white nest, although it is also a manifestation of a large number of black people gathering together, but it is different from the natural gathering of different kinds of dark chop suey in the inverse world."
"The so-called natural gathering means that the wanderer will be with the wanderer, the crazy dog will hold a group with the same kind, and the mysterious shooter will not run into its black people."
"This phenomenon of agglomeration is due to the nature of energy and the involuntary behavior."
Han Shu paused before saying, "But the nests are different. Every nest is formed by different kinds of black people. You can regard the nest as an army with multiple arms."
"The combination of arms and services with the army can achieve the level of combat by the civilian method. In addition, the army is disciplined and they know how to advance and retreat, detour, ambush and other tactical means."
"This is the biggest feature of the nest."
Tianyang just thought about the sidewalk. "If the nest is an army, will there be a commander in the army?"
Han Shu immediately responded, "This is what I came to tell you."
"Every nest will have a similar’ commander’, and this’ commander’ will be given different titles according to the size of the nest."

"Marshal Kaizou Tianpeng was drunk, and now he is out of the bullfighting palace, and he almost knocked down the Heavenly Palace."

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he was furious. "Damn it, the gods went to arrest that fellow and take him to Lingxiao Hall."
"obey orders"
Picking up the Lingguan immediately will be the midpoint of Yaochi Club.
The gods all petitioned and set off together to capture the canopy.
"Empress, I have something to do and I will leave."
The jade emperor said
"Be my guest"
Ersheng Yilu Yaotai came to the shutter, and the general also enjoyed the opportunity to go in a hurry. Even if the bead curtain was lifted, the Jade Emperor was invited to enter the dragon car.
But when he turned around, the treasure stick in his hand suddenly met the glass lamp behind him.
The glass lamp was smashed immediately, and the general shutter was amazed on the spot.
The sound made the gods tremble and shouted, "How dare you disturb the holy driving?"
Frightened, general shutter quickly bent down and knelt down and said, "At the end of the day, I will accidentally break that glass lamp to disturb the holy driving. Please forgive me."
"This is the treasure of Yaochi, but you will break it in a hurry!"
Immediately, several gods will jump out of ""
"Take off this fellow’s title, crown and armor, and put him in the prison for later disposal."
The god will take off the crown of the shutter and take it to the heavenly prison.
General shutter didn’t dare to resist. The big deal was just a punishment, but I didn’t know that the Jade Emperor had given him a hard time.
The Jade Emperor boarded the chariot and went to Lingxiao Hall.
The gods followed the picket to drive the bullfight, and the canopy outside the palace was still full of great power.
"Get him!"
Even though there were gods such as thunder, fire and water, they flew away to capture the canopy.
"Tianpeng, what are you crazy about!"
God bless you and Ling Sheng, two true gentlemen, resist and drink a way forward.
The gods made the avatar beat him so hard that he turned around and ran to the Guanghan Palace. The gods chased him away.
Wu Ming mixed in the first canopy is somewhat startled.
Is this the real guy?
That’s awesome. But what the hell is this?
"It seems that it is when Kang."
Nezha said.
Dangkang? Wu Ming knows that it is also called Tooth Dolphin, but it is a Gurui beast. So the second brother is really a pig?
The canopy broke into the Guanghan Palace all the way and immediately disturbed the fairyland, but the Taiyin Star was blocked by the soldiers, but it was defeated.
A rabbit girl jumped out with a medicine pestle and shouted, "I’ll help you, Lord!" "
As soon as the tail is thrown, it will fly out.
"The canopy will not wake me up!"
All the gods immediately surrounded the Guanghan Palace.
Wu Ming saw a figure flying towards him and stretched out his hand.
Yi ear?
I saw him with a girl in one hand and two long ears. The Moon Palace still has this style?
"Ouch, let me go, let me go-"
Wu Ming put her away.
"Hey, you thief who stole my radish!"
Suddenly, the gods looked around in all kinds of eyes. Nezha came to lean in and immediately stopped.
Wu Ming was black. "Don’t talk nonsense. I’m not a rabbit."
"Do you want to denial? I knew you a hundred years ago. Hmm. "
Wu Ming immediately shut up this jade rabbit and made her speechless. It’s really a hundred years ago that you remember it urgently.
At this time, it was chaos in Guanghan Palace.
The gods want to catch Marshal Tianpeng, not kill him, which is naturally unusual.
It’s hard to catch by jumping around
Wu Ming doesn’t want to be entangled in this jade rabbit essence, so he got up and flew out of the body with a height of 100 feet to resist great strength!
A man and a beast are wrestling.
Seeing this, the gods quickly took out the chain and locked it back to the human body.
See the ceiling is still ZuiYan hazy sample.
"Take him to see him."
Then they went to Lingxiao Hall together.
When the gods left, the lunar star king hurried to make the Chang ‘e repair everything and clear the way.
But see jade rabbit injustice Baba to embrace her pointed to the mouth.

In fact, except for the level of god beast and sub-god beast, the six-color Dapeng Golden Winged Bird Fengpeng is already extremely strong among the wind-attribute animals.

If it weren’t for other places in the fixed wind field, it would be really rare to see them.
Even if it’s empty, it’s famous, and it’s fast, and even if it’s fit, it’s not necessarily possible to catch it if it’s not torn
In the ancient records of male and female witches and wizards, there is also a Taoist priest named "Feng Sheng" who is free and unfettered, but he is one of the fastest monks in the virtual world.
Sun Haoke dare not go to the demon family to catch the wind, and the demon family’s large-scale spirits and monsters are mostly civilized, that is, they have not weak wisdom, and it’s not certain that there will be a statue of an old demon behind them. Sun Hao will definitely die if he dares to go in and catch the monster beast.
The virtual strength in the demon race is also very strong, and the top 50 columns are much higher than the Terran ranking.
It’s two different things to determine the wind field and the nature of the wind. Here, the special laws and special environment make the animals super powerful, but it’s hard to get spiritual wisdom. Some beasts, such as Fenglong and Qingluan, are more powerful than them, and only Kunpeng and Golden-winged Dapeng birds can have wisdom that is not inferior to Terran.
These awesome beasts have the ability to get out of the wind field if they want to, and they can go to the middle and empty space. Before playing, they are willing to set the wind field, which is the most suitable environment for them to generate wind
Bianmu has Fengpeng eggs in his mouth.
I couldn’t find the thief. Feng Peng kept growling and screaming sharply.
In this situation, it is absolutely difficult for the border shepherd to walk out of the ten thousand needles with the birds’ eggs safely. If he really wants to take the birds’ eggs back to himself, Peng is bound to have a big war
Sun Hao’s entry into the Dingfeng domain is to kill animals with strong wind attributes, but he can’t fight fiercely against the black wind, and the speed is extremely fast, which is the most representative animal in the Dingfeng domain, just to practice.
Corleone wanted to think, decided to go to war, gently shook the dragon tendon in his hand, and the whole ghost body floated forward quickly with the help of dragon tendon power.
Light shadow right hand gently clenched fist Sun Hao lightly pulled the dragon tendon along the ordinary wind and quickly rushed to the small mountain wind Peng.
Right fist, white light, a flash, and a punch attacked the shadow in the middle of the hill.
Great power rushed out with a whirring wind to Sun Hao’s goal.
Although Feng Peng didn’t find the enemy, he could clearly perceive the different airflow in the wind
As Sun Hao’s right fist attacks near, the shadow shakes like a cloud of black fog, which can’t withstand the impact of boxing strength. When you look closely, it is like a feather being blown away by the strong wind.
However, Sun Hao’s fist didn’t hit the entity, which means that the smoke was scattered by his own blow. Not far away, Feng Peng’s black smoke-like body appeared again. Look carefully at this time, the black fog in the stagnation is actually a virtual shadow formed by Feng Peng, a huge and ever-changing flight direction. Sun Hao hit the wind with one punch.
Feng Peng lost nothing but temporarily. Feng Peng was also the first time to meet Sun Hao, a hidden enemy, and it was the first time to encounter such a strange attack method. At that time, he did not find Sun Hao constantly chirping in the wind.
Sun Hao’s wrist slightly pulled the whole ghost body to fall to the square quickly, and the crown of the ten thousand-pin wood gently swayed from side to side.
Look to the right, not far away, where Feng Peng is looking at himself in disbelief. His wings keep sending out wind blades and attacking him, trying to force himself to show up.
The first tentative attack made Sun Haobai catch up with NO FENG フウカ Peng at his own speed, and even it was hard to hurt this guy.
Wanted to think, Sun Hao pulled the dragon tendon and quietly floated to Feng Peng’s square wrist, loosened it and quickly rose along the steady wind, grabbed a claw and pinched it to Feng Peng’s neck.
This time, Sun Hao came prepared and was faster. He tried to catch Sun Hao’s strength with one claw. He wanted to catch Feng Peng, so no matter how fast it was, he would die.
To see yourself, you have to make achievements at one stroke. The shadow of Feng Peng waved Sun Hao and grabbed it with one claw.
I was a little disappointed in my heart, but I didn’t dare to neglect my hands. I grabbed a moment and Sun Hao’s dragon tendon was quickly recycled, and the ghost body quickly rushed away.
Almost instantly, Sun Hao’s newly appeared position has been submerged by a large wind blade, and the huge wind is blowing, so Sun Hao is also far away.
Sun Hao is a bit vain. The strange environment in the wind field makes every attack with a bit of wind, and this kind of wind energy makes Feng Peng clearly perceive himself and escape quickly.
If it weren’t for his ghost state, Feng Peng had never seen it before, and he could drift quickly in the wind, maybe he had already faced Feng Peng’s endless attacks at this time
The huge wind force that broke out in Fengpeng pushed Sun Hao far away, so that Fengpeng didn’t feel that Sun Hao put the dragon tendon in the maximum flying distance.
A moment later, Feng Peng completed his onslaught and stopped to feel it carefully, but still failed to perceive the enemy.
Sun Hao quietly pulled the dragon tendon and gently floated up again, like leaves tied with kites by a border shepherd. Sun Hao stopped and began to think of some way.
If this Feng Peng can’t cope with it, then Sun Hao can’t stand the more severe six-color golden-winged Dapeng bird.
Chapter 1776 Wind and sword
"Smiling at the flowers in the clouds, the wind is blowing for thousands of years." Under normal circumstances, the monks can smile at the flowers and walk with the wind after thousands of years. If Sun Haozhen can reach that state, he can’t keep up with his strength.
But now Sun Hao can’t keep his body steady at the root of the wind. He can attack with the help of border grazing and dragon tendons, but he can’t conform to the wind. Perhaps for Feng Peng, this kind of attack is as obvious as a lamp in the dark, so it won’t hurt him.
Sun Hao’s two consecutive moves made Feng Peng feel that there was a strange challenger in his territory, but he couldn’t find him, but he stole his eggs and attacked himself twice, failing to find Sun Hao’s anger and his wings flapping.
The sky is full of blue wind blades flying around.
The whole hill was suddenly submerged by the wind blade.
Corleone’s dragon tendon contracted to the smallest size, and the ten thousand needles floated flatly, waiting quietly.
The roaring huge wind blade flew out from the sky in all directions, but after arrival reached about three feet of Dingwanzhen wood, the wind blade was blocked and the wind continued to attack the hill
Sun Hao settled down in his heart and recorded the data of the male and female witches. It was really good. The ten thousand needles really had a very strong wind-setting effect. If you don’t leave too far, it will be difficult for you to hurt yourself with the wind attribute spell.
Otherwise, even if the wind blade is cut at such a mess, I may not be able to carry it, even if I am afraid of the dragon tendon. Moreover, once the wind blade cuts the dragon tendon, there is no doubt that Feng Peng will find what he has done instantly.
Feng Peng doesn’t need to conquer himself, he needs to cut off the dragon tendons in his hands, and then he won’t be able to stand the wind and don’t know what to blow into.
If you can’t effectively master the wind fighting capacity, you will be greatly controlled. Sun Hao may think too much if he wants to be opportunistic.

She then lied that she had a stomachache.

The doctor bought a box of medicine for stomachache, and then Chi Muhan asked the doctor to clean her forehead wound.
When the disinfectant touched the broken skin, it was really burning and painful. Wu bit his teeth and resisted, but this injury was caused by Gu Qingya hitting her with a teacup and enduring it in front of Chimuhan. Then she was a fool.
So she made a mountain out of a molehill and asked the doctor, "Is my strictness serious? Will it leave scars? I’m going to Korea for plastic surgery after this, right? I still have to rely on the face value to eat later. "
She used to be an artist for a while. The artist’s face is almost equal to their life.
"I heard my aunt say that you knocked yourself into that teacup. Is your forehead reinforced with concrete?"
ChiMuHan tone is a little cold and blame.
Who’s to blame for hitting that teacup by herself?
But Mei Wu doesn’t agree with his words, just as she doesn’t agree with the eldest brother being scolded for being stupid. That’s the bottom line she can’t touch.
Eyebrow Wu raised her face and looked up at this tall man like Poplar Jade Pine.
The usual casual charming smile in her eyes became serious, and the words of supercilious and supercilious were spit out from her lips.
"If Chi Gong is hit by a teacup today, can you just watch and do nothing?"
Pool longed for cold slightly narrowed eyes this woman always has prevarication reason.
But seeing that she has suffered so much today, it is difficult to regenerate. She is angry and has a pity in her heart. Her bangs touch her around her wound like a gentle caress.
And his mouth also overflow up shallow warm smile "what would you like to eat later? Let the kitchen do it for you. "
"… well," Mei Wu wanted to think about it, drumming his cheeks to help him sell cute. "If Chi Gong really dotes on me, you should personally cook to comfort my poor stomach. You know, I was hungry for a whole day because of your mistakes."
☆ Chapter 5 The only wife in this generation
This woman can really play the role of climbing along the pole with ease.
Chimuhan pushed her bangs aside and slender fingers along her fluffy hairline rubbed her head and looked down at this forehead. After wiping the blood, she looked at her little face with a gentle smile. "You can really push your luck."
I can see that Chi Gong is still in a good mood.
Eyebrow Wu supported Basu’s hand and lifted and pulled his blue linen tie at the vertical belt buckle. Shuang Ren smiled with almond eyes. The man in front of him was like a spoiled kitten. "Chi Gong, do you spoil me?"
It’s embarrassing for the doctor to watch, and it’s not easy for the husband and wife to talk about love and go out silently.
It’s really hard to sell this. It’s hard for cute little women to do anything.
Chimuhan leaned over slightly and stared at her charming eyes. She grabbed her by the hand and pulled his tie and pressed her hand on her abdomen.
Through the silk shirt cloth, the man’s heat passed from his strong abdomen to her palm.
She recoiled her hand and saw his faint voice crisp and sexy. "If I satisfy your spoiled stomach, shouldn’t you satisfy me in bed?"
This man who plans in the shopping mall is really a natural capitalist. He can link food and clothing with desire and then negotiate.
The person who really want to push your luck is Chi Muhan.
When I think about last night, the goods were like coveting her, and the five-fingered girl almost gave her a strong one. How desperate is this man?
Wrapped in his palm, his hand slightly pinched and blinked and looked at him without hesitation. "Uncle Chi, we fought in bed two days ago. You are 30 years old. Excessive indulgence is true to kidney is not good."
To emphasize the truth of her words, she added, "Ask your doctor if you don’t believe me."
Her voice didn’t fall to see Chimuhan’s eyebrows gathering together as if she were dissatisfied.
His approach to black eyes was aggressive. "Don’t you know best whether my kidney is good or not, Mrs. Chi?"
Soon Wu eyebrow was he strode out into his arms.
Will this heroic and vigorous association across the Yalu River throw her to bed and kill her immediately?
Mei Wu had a little heart flutter and immediately please him. "Chi Gong, I was wrong. Your kidney is very good. Your kidney is really good. Your kidney is the best kidney I have ever seen."
"Shen Meiwu, have you seen other people’s kidneys?"
The hand held on her buttock pinched her buttock severely in anger.
Eyebrow Wu pain "oh hey"-"someone else’s kidney? Does the pork loin count? "


An extreme cold storm broke out toward the opposite Qi army.
Large-scale freezing instantly filled the square with snow, and the frozen chill of the earth instantly made the Qi army shake with a jerk.
"hmm? Break! "
Another leopard-riding man bloomed with great momentum and waved a flame storm to resist Chen Yi’s cold.
Chen Yi’s face was frozen and expanded again, and the cold suddenly soared several times. More than that leopard man’s face sank. "What an ice avatar!"
"Chen Liu, you can run away, but if you run away and come with you, this group of people won’t be polite!" Lv yang cold sneer at a way
"Chen Wang, go!" A group of elders of the ancestral temple pounced on Chen Liu.
"Hum!" Another leopard-riding man made a sudden move.
Stretching out five fingers seems to shoot five beams of light and go straight to the elders of the ancestral temple.

In the final analysis, the situation is also caused by Xiang Yu himself. To say that Xiang Yu has no doubt about concubine, Ning Caichen never doubted it. Take Fan Zeng as an example. At the beginning, Fan Zeng and Xiang Yu fell out because concubine Fan Zeng had personally suspected that concubine had problems and Guanghan Palace had problems, but the result was that Fan Zeng was dismissed from office. To say that Xiang Yu didn’t listen to Fan Zeng at that time, Ning Caichen didn’t believe him. He was sure that Xiang Yu must have listened to Fan Zeng, but it turned out that Xiang Yu chose concubine or chose Fan Zeng because he didn’t want to doubt concubine.

In the end, women who believe in themselves put together the ancient and modern history of bold and the beautiful. Shang Zhouwang and Zhou Youwang are two fresh cases. Both of them died because of da ji and praise, respectively. But in comparison, Ning Caichen thinks Xiang Yu is the most sad. At the very least, Shang Zhouwang and Zhou Youwang love women without stabbing them in turn.
He is sad but absolutely has no sympathy for Xiang Yu.
"Are we going back to Jin?"
Wei Zhaung looked Ning Caichen and asked.
"Go back naturally, but some debts should be paid before this."
Ning Caichen’s eyes flashed a cold light and slew a dragon, but he didn’t intend to end things like this. Xiang Yu was cursed by a fairy. I don’t know what will happen yet, but I’m afraid it depends. If Xiang Yu really dies, one goal of Zongmen is definitely that he will be a big robbery to him and the State of Jin. This is a method to avoid.
Since the law avoids passive beating and takes the initiative to attack, now it is a golden opportunity that the sea is high and the emperor is far away, and Purdue, Yuan, Tongtian and Guanghan Palace are all seriously injured.
Chapter 631 Robbery and murder
The sea waves are monstrous. Clusters of waves more than 100 meters high are rolling in the distance, sweeping Shenlong Island. The whole island has already disappeared in the war. Although the war has subsided, it is still not calm here. There are huge virtual cracks in the heavens and the earth, and there are huge virtual black holes. Black clouds are rolling in from all directions!
This world is dark, accompanied by storms and mountains, and tornadoes are connected from high school clouds to the sea, causing huge waves. But here, the sea water is dark as ink, giving off a horrible smell of death, like a sea of death, a scene of world collapse, and a large flood of seawater flows back into the high and is finally swallowed up by cracks.
This is the scene after the World War II, a scene of great disillusionment. Thousands of miles of heaven and earth in Fiona Fang are dark, but you can see the dark clouds rolling in the sky from a distance, and there are huge tsunamis rolling in like a flood. Fortunately, this is the deep sea, and I don’t know how many Wan Li are separated from the land, otherwise a large area along the coast of China will be robbed
"whew! Whew! Whew! ……”
The sea has a series of streamers across the sky. It has been far away from the Shenlong Island area for tens of thousands of miles. Far away from there, the broken world has become a clear sky, blue as the sea and sky, and seabirds are flying. This is from Shenlong Island. The end of World War I, Shenlong Island, no one wants to stay in this sea.
Xiang Yu set foot in Ying Zheng that level? The dragon lost to Xiang Yu to escape? Xiang Yu’s immortal spell may be physically dead?
Everyone who took part in this dragon slayer knows that these news will cause an uproar when they return to China, or when they return to China, the whole country will probably start a war soon. It is necessary to make sure that Xiang Yu’s death and other clansmen have returned from this war, such as Pudu, Tongtian, Yuan and others, and will definitely launch a war against the State of Jin for the first time.
This is destined to involve the whole China. Jiangshan is destined to change color. In those days, when the gods were sealed and the merchants died in World War I, Zhou Lizhong’s door was defeated. This time, most things will be reversed, and the dynasty will be destroyed. China is about to usher in an era of patriarchal rule.
A figure of the sea breaks across quickly. This is Song Qing’s dragon slaying battle. Relatively speaking, there are not many dead people. But at this moment, his heart is in a mess. There is a kind of uneasiness because he clearly knows that this dragon slaying is not the end. On the contrary, he knows that China will soon set off a world-famous war against dragons and snakes, and the prelude to the Lu Zongmen dynasty war will be pulled.
The body flies fast in high school, but Song Qing’s heart is not stable. Before the dragon slaying, he had been close to Ning Caichen and intended to take refuge in Ning Caichen. However, during the war, he did not have Ning Caichen’s side, and now Xiang Yu is under the immortal spell. If Xiang Yu really dies and comes to the Dynasty Zongmen War, he will also fall to the State of Jin, but he is not optimistic about Ning Caichen, even if there is a Zhang Liang in the State of Jin.
Song Qing’s frown has become a Sichuan word. No one can protect himself in troubled times. Even if he is worse, there is such a big Song family. Even if he is a first-class martial art avatar, he has no confidence to protect the Song family and even himself.
"What shall we do if the leader picks us up?"
At the same time, on the other side of the sea, five streamers pass by. This is Yang Suiyun and the lion king, the four great French kings, who have been teaching with blond hair. Although the Evil King Hall and the Old Mountain are also great religions, most of them are active in the northwest, that is, although Zhao Wei belongs to the patriarchal clan, they rarely have Kunlun, Guanghan, Buddhist people to stir up the contradiction between Jin, Chu, Han, Kunlun and Guanghan. But this time they can’t help but think about it. Even if they want to stay out of it, I’m afraid they can’t.
"Xiang Yu has fallen into the immortal curse, and even if it is really immortal, the curse will strike down all the dust. I’m afraid Xiang Yu will run away this time, and the Buddhist people will definitely make moves to the State of Jin to destroy the remaining countries. Then the whole of China will belong to our clan era. This time, we should teach Kunlun and Guanghan to destroy the dynasty forces in one fell swoop." Another emaciated method is king.
"I have always taught the cults of Kunlun, Guanghan and Buddhism, and they have rejected them. They are worried that these people will teach us after the collapse of the dynasty." Another white-browed and gray-haired French king is somewhat worried
"The eagle king is right. Kunlun and Buddhists have always talked to themselves. The noble family is decent and scolds me, the evil king’s temple and the three religions of the old mountain. If all the dynasties in China are destroyed, I’m afraid Kunlun and Buddhists will have to exclude dissidents. The leader can discuss it with the evil king’s temple and the old mountain."
The last teaching method is Wang Kou. This is a graceful woman with a yew face covered with a purple veil. If you can’t see the halal, you can vaguely recognize the beautiful outline.
"Go back to China first and take a long-term view."
Yang Suiyun’s eyes changed for a while, and the four of them didn’t say anything, but the speed of five people didn’t fall like five streamers.
At this moment, a loud noise resounded through the heavens and the earth, and Yang Suiyun’s facial expression changed and he felt a horrible breath coming from a distance!
Coson Ning!’
Then there was a bitter sound, and Yang Suiyun, five people searched for the past. It was a sea hundreds of miles away, but at this time, a bright sword cut the sky in half. This sword seemed to come from the outer space and cut off all the stars!
The sky and the earth are pale. It seems that there is this sword light left in that world. You can see this sword light. There are four figures looming.
"That’s the four giants of Kunlun."
Yang Suiyun’s face changed dramatically and recognized that the four men were the four giants of Kunlun. There were five people, but in the previous war, one person was directly killed by Han Xin, leaving four of them. These four people left the sky first, and Yuan and others left. But at this time, the four people encountered a big robbery, and a sword of light came from outer space, like cutting the world.
Many people who saw this scene saw it except Yang Suiyun, Wang Yue, Jian Chi, Dao Wang Songqing, Yunmeng Goddess and others, but all of them were scalp-numb. This sword is too sharp to slay the giant.
"Hey!" "ah!" "Coson Ning, you don’t die a natural death … poof!"
The four Kunlun giants were crazy. Two of them rose in the attack and attack, and the latosolic red flame burned directly. Life was extremely sublimated, but there was no sword light. Two people broke into blood fog in the sword light for the first time, and then four figures all collapsed in the sword light. From a distance, it looked like four bloody fireworks bloomed. It was not a level of power. Four golden lights flashed. The four yuan gods wanted to escape, but the sword light was cut off to destroy all life. Finally, four yuan gods were annihilated, leaving four people screaming and bitter curses echoing the heavens and the earth.
The sword light disappears, and the four Kunlun giants also directly annihilate the sword light. The shooter didn’t appear, but everyone already knew who the shooter was. Because the curse of hatred of Kunlun people before they died has revealed each other’s identity, and even if the other party doesn’t say that the sea will shoot at Kunlun people at this time and can slay four sain mumtaz with one sword, there are also Coson Ning-Ning Caichen!
"Coson Ning is him. What does he want?" Yang Suiyun gasped at the air conditioning.
"He is crazy to kill Kunlun people at this time …" Song Qing felt that his throat was dry and suddenly he felt a cold chill.
"Does he want to slay the sea in Kunlun and Guanghan …"
Woody thought of a fact that he was willing but his scalp was numb. He was not the only one who thought of returning to the absolute being, but many people thought of it, but they were all cold because it was a little crazy. How to say that Purdue four people are all four extreme strong people, even if Yuan, Tongtian and Purdue are all left with Yuan God, but the strength of real fighting is definitely not small.

Behind the sun

Suddenly a figure rose from the earth.
Thick long hair stirs in the wind, and two bent goat horns come out from the hair on both sides. Tianyang is somewhat similar but much bigger. A pair of eyes are cold, indifferent and affectionate, and many figures are coming.
Those dozens of people stopped screaming at the same time and looked at the figure that was still rising and exclaimed, "How is that possible!"
"How could it be here!"
"It can’t be here!"
"this is my dream!"
Tianyang one leng.
Fang Li knows what this is?
The figure finally emerged from the earth and set up a pair of huge and dark wings behind Tianyang.
This movement alone set off a strong wind, and when the flowing silver brilliance outlined the shape of each feather with the wings, it set off a silver glorious storm!
Gradually, a halo of a sun wheel emerged, and mysterious three-dimensional symbols flashed in the silver sun wheel behind the figure.
This huge figure raised her arms and fingers to the ground, leaving them empty to catch the past.
All Fang Li screamed. They and the palm that covered the sun had a huge illusory crystal.
When this hand reaches into the crystal, it keeps stretching forward, but it seems that it will never reach the place where it is from us.
Those unreal figures seem to be relieved, but they see a door in the unreal crystal that is located in front of the palm of your hand and depicts a number of mysterious patterns.
When the door reached into the door, a moment later, there was an unreal crystal, and many parties left!
"This is impossible!"
Party from the loss in alarm.
But at this moment, the huge palm has been folded, and there is great suction to make those parties fall into the palm uncontrollably.
Finger closure
Clench into a fist
But the palm of your hand is like this.
A vague figure with illusory meaning appears in the distance. Even though the earth has escaped, this party knows that it seems to be separated from that figure by a universe.
This is the gap between each other!
The majestic figure of big wing who covered the sky with the back-rising nimbus once again raised his hand and leaned forward.
Something in front of the palm of your hand
But at this moment, an ancient arch carved with mysterious patterns appeared, struck the door slowly and leaned out of the door.
Tianyang looked at the gate and saw the father, Fang Li from the battle basin, the ten thousand pupil door and several Fang Li.
The party from qi qi startled to look in the direction of the gate.
The palm of your hand hit a square, and suddenly a thick black light rose from your fingers. They interwoven into a dark forest.
The forest suppressed the palm and there was a scream.
Then raise the palm of your hand and retract the door with a virtual grip.
When the mysterious door closed, it gradually disappeared, and the palm finally spread out, and Yang saw a humanoid purple light floating in the palm.
The palm of your hand stretched out black bands of light, which entangled the humanoid purple light like chains and tore it violently.
Every time you pull a purple light, it will blend into the black light band and light up a fine and complicated grain.
The vague figure on the ground exclaimed, "That door can connect dreams and reality? Let it capture the body at the real level in its dreams? "
Chapter 2: Reversing the maze
Fang Li’s will to be in two places at once is very shocking, but it’s not the case in Tianyang.
He can swear it’s not like him at all.
Finding the power of "believing" in dreams, Yangyuan intends to scare Fang away from seeking opportunities based on the grand figure he saw in his consciousness during his experience in Papman.
Where did I think that he really outlined that majestic figure like a mountain and that this figure has a very high level of power?
This figure not only opened the door to cross dreams and reality, but also captured Fang Li’s quality!
There can be no mistake. The human figure struggling desperately in the palm of your hand smells like Papman once.
Is the party from the’ quality’ is stronger and it is slower to peel off.
At this time, Tianyang felt a trance and found that there was a crack in the dream world. Suddenly, Bai Fang left his place and decided to end the dream.
Forcibly send yourself out of the dream with a mysterious figure to stop the other party from stripping’ quality’
He also noticed that
Cold eyes Huo Ran looked at the vague will figure, and a door suddenly appeared at the foot of the figure.
The gate is away from the busy will and is pulled into the gate by a force.
Outside the gate is the battlefield basin, where the will to be separated from the two places actually fell into reality from the dream.
Gate closed
Tianyang has already thought about it.
What is it that you call?
Actually expelled the’ master’ in the dream?
This kind of thing is obviously not self-likeness or self-identity, and it appears through self-likeness and the rules of the dream world! And hunted Fang Li’ quality’!
The dream world becomes stable.
The stripper is still going on
Tianyang dare not move at all.
In this way, about half an hour later, the humanoid has turned into a twisting brilliance.
A dozen extra-thick chains rose from his palm, and they were entangled in one corner of the mass brilliance and suddenly torn.
Thunderstorms burst in the sky.
Party from the constitution was completely torn up and absorbed to obtain a complete quality after that figure bowed their heads to Tianyang’s view.
Tianyang’ s mind suddenly rang.
Consciousness seems to be broken by a sledgehammer.
Things in front of us become broken and bizarre.
Those’ fragments’ Zhong Tianyang saw a black country. Although the color of this world is deep, it will not give people a dark feeling.
This is a rather contradictory perception.
Those deep and noble black crystals, like extremely black crystals, will have a faint brilliance.
In this black country, at the end of the world, Tianyang saw a magnificent mountain.
It is so sacred that people have the urge to worship.

As time goes by, it’s dusk. At this moment, the sunset shines through the window and hides in bed like a sleeping beauty.

It hurts very much. This is the first feeling that Hancock felt when he woke up. When he looked at sleeping with Jos by the bed with one hand, his mind unconsciously echoed with the previous scenes. The picture was so embarrassing that Hancock felt hot and his cheeks could not help but rise two blushes.
Falling asleep with his head bowed, Jose’s purple hedgehog’s bangs in front of his head covered half his cheeks like he lost his mind.
Hancook gawked at Joss sleeping, slender and white, and his hands could not help but touch Joss cheek with bangs. "This is my man."
It seems that I feel someone touching my cheek. Jose’s eyes slowly open. Almost he opens his eyes, and Hancock’s jade hand has already been withdrawn.
Looking at the waking Hancock Jos’s eyes, there was a flash of struggle and then a face of tenderness. "You … wake up, I’ll find you something to eat."
Wait, Hancock looks up. Jose, "My body is not hungry."
As soon as "Gollum" was finished, there was a Gollum sound in Hankuk’s belly.
Seeing Hancock embarrassed, Jose said with a gentle face, "Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon."
"Well," Hancock replied.
What Jose said was true. He went out and came back with food in a short time. It seems that he went to the navy canteen to pack these.
Ten minutes later, after dinner, Hancook looked at Jose and said, "Where are my sisters?"
"I’ve let them go back to Amazon Lily first. If you want to go back, I’ll take you back tomorrow," Jose said with a gentle face.
"No," Hancook said shyly. "My body will stay here for a while."
"That’s up to you," replied Jose.
At this moment, Jos was a little embarrassed and said, "If you still feel pain, just stay in bed for a while!"
"No," said Hancock, and he was ready to get up.
"Ah," suddenly Hancook called out and quickly looked at Jose again. "My clothes …"
Looking at Hancock’s reaction, Joss quickly took out a set of domino clothes from the closet and handed it to her. "I have washed your clothes for you. Now it is estimated that you should wear this one before you do it!" It should be appropriate. "
It seems that I think of something horrible, like Hancook suddenly shaking and saying, "Did you help me take a bath before?"
Chapter one hundred and thirty-seven Gather the seven seas
Strange as it is, Jose replied, "Yes!"
You … Hancook trembled. "You saw it! My body carries that dirty thing. "
Jose asked with a strange face, "do you have anything on your back?" Why didn’t I see it? "
"How is it possible …"
"See for yourself if there is anything behind you," said Jose with a smile on his face.
"How is it possible …" In front of the mirror, Hancook looked at his back with an incredible face and saw that his back was nothing but a piece of white skin.
"Did you help my body get rid of that thing?" Hancock asked with a face of surprise.
Then Jose whispered in his ear, "Now that I am my wife, of course I won’t let you be wronged again."
"She didn’t know what happiness was", but when Hancook heard Jose’s words and felt the temperature coming from the other person, he felt that it was happiness.
"Well, let’s get dressed first!" Jose some can’t stand to let go of Hancock said
"Hmm" came out of her mouth in a mosquito-like voice. If it wasn’t for Jose’s good hearing, she couldn’t hear her talking.
Just then a voice suddenly sounded from the outside, "Brother Jose, help!"
"What’s the matter, little moxa?" Listening to Enel’s words, Jose hurriedly walked into the hall for a moment. He couldn’t help but stay and see that Enel was covered in blood and looked at him with a sad face.
"What’s the matter with you?" asked Jose, puzzled.
Enel sound some frustrated "is not the eagle eye that a bastard, he is a Uber".
At this time, the eagle eye appeared at the door and said, "It’s rude to speak ill of people behind their backs."
Enel said maliciously, "I will take revenge sooner or later. If I didn’t have much combat experience, I would have blown you away."
"If we know our shortcomings, we should practice with Hawkeye these days." Jos said that a white light had gone to Enel hood. Soon after the white light, we saw that Enel was covered in injuries. At this time, his original wound had disappeared except for rags.
Brother, did you make dinner? Enel looked at him. "I’m so hungry that I can’t find the north."
"I’m hungry, too." Hawkeye booed.
"I didn’t make it today. You can eat it in the cafeteria or make it yourself." Jose looked at the two foodies and said that he didn’t eat it himself.
"Who is Jose! Outside! " Just then Hancock walked out of the door and said
Yi Hawkeye looked at the sudden appearance of a person "Now Wang Qiwuhai has a wave of elegance * Hankuk"
"No … I didn’t expect you to be my sister-in-law," Enel stammered. "It was all fake when I was outside!"
Hancook looked at him and said, "You must be Enel! After I know you, you are also my brother. "
Watching the eagle-eyed Jose wake up, "Hancook, this is the eagle-eyed * Mifog, the king of the seven seas like you."
Hum, listen to Jos’s words. Hancook stretched out his index finger and said, "I didn’t expect that such a rude man like Ai Jia has the same title. If you hadn’t hurt Jos, my body would never forgive you."
Looking at the angry Hancock Hawkeye, I was puzzled. "But is she looking at the ceiling in this position?" Are you sure this is a government view, not a look up? "
Looking at a shy-looking beauty, Jose stretched out his right hand like a gentleman and said, "Let’s go out for a walk after you just finished eating!"
Hancook blushed and put his hand in Jose’s palm, and then the eagle eyes drifted away.
Two people "…"
Hawkeye looked at Enel. "Are you going to cook?"
"Can you do sheet metal?"
The two men looked at each other for a while, then turned and walked out of the villa and left for the navy canteen.
Blue blue! Brubru
When I hurried for a week, I walked on Marjorie Road. Jos picked up the ring and kept talking.
"I am the Warring States and you said things last night, remember? No, I’ll say it again. "
Jose looked unhappy. "Are you here to insult my memory? Isn’t uncle Ma Wei in the Warring States period? Don’t worry! I will never let you down. "
"Smelly little incredibly hang up on me" far from the Admiralty Warring States period, watching the words bug low scold a way.
As soon as the picture changes, Mary Joss is decorating a luxurious meeting room, and several navies are sitting there talking.
It can be seen from their medals that one of them is a general and the rest of the navy are also vice admiral-level generals
Sitting opposite the navy are two famous pirates, Hawkeye Mifogg, and Boya Hancook, the pirate queen with a bounty of up to Wanbaili.
"It’s really better to go back to my lab when the waves are here!" Speaking is that Jose was originally a wave of Carlos Rain Cold, and he was very upset because he was arrested. At this time, he had already become a vice admiral with the contribution of various drugs developed.
At this moment, Lieutenant General Crane, a naval think tank, took a look at Yu Han and said, "Although knowing you is precious, the reputation of the navy can pull you over. After all, Lieutenant General Crane has just gone out."
Just then, a woman came out of the loudspeaker in Marjorie Square.
"Pay attention to the notice from the naval headquarters that King Mary Gioia’s seven seas Don Quixote * Duo Franco’s adult, Bassolo Liao * Bear’s adult, Moonlight * moglia’s adult, Haixia * Jinbe’s adult and Motor * Billis’ adult have arrived."
"Pay attention to the notice from the naval headquarters that King Mary Gioia’s seven seas Don Quixote * Duo Franco’s adult, Bassolo Liao * Bear’s adult, Moonlight * moglia’s adult, Haixia * Jinbe’s adult and Motor * Billis’ adult have arrived."
….. It was repeated three times before and after the broadcast.
As the broadcast landed at the port, the warships left, and the five figures were almost at the same time, and the depressing atmosphere appeared and the five people surged out.
The coercion of the five people tied for the port to meet them, and the navy soldiers swallowed their saliva in succession.

This is indeed a very good young man. He speaks without any command tone, but he reveals a kind of prestige. I’m afraid it’s the star of hope here. If he has an organic conversation, he really wants to befriend this little guy.

Being able to "mix" from the general judicial machine to the position of captain, of course, he has rich social experience. Just now, Longyou said that others said that this can tell if Longyou in a large steel mill can control it and make the palm of his hand more sincere. Now it can be seen that this guy is really something great.
There are still several scars on the fake Yang’s face when he lies down. I don’t ask if he was not treated very kindly. It turns out that this little temper is not small and he is always terrier. Naturally, he won’t be treated so politely. Who can be polite to him was immediately given to these two young Mawei, who was honest at once?
"That’s him." Longyou stared at the fake Yang. The captain asked two sentences at random and felt that there was no problem. He smiled and said to Longyou, "Xiaolong, you saved me things. I have to take a good’ flower’ incident to find out the truth, but now it’s different. Everyone helped me catch us and we can close the case soon when we go back. We really want to thank you."
Next to the judicial machine have also’ dew’ out of the joy’ color’ for these punishment division, but long-term pressure to solve the case, especially the big case, once it hits their heads, there is pressure everywhere, but the case is not ordered by the municipal party Committee to be solved as soon as possible without looking at how old your official is, so they’d better be able to solve the case as soon as they come.
But everyone knows in their hearts that none of them are sun monkeys. Although those who see the detective in the play say very deeply that any criminal will leave clues, they are waiting for these detectives to find out that the criminals waiting for the criminal police to catch the actual situation are also high-intelligence criminals. They are not the kind of fools who have committed crimes after strict reasoning, not to mention the detective or the detective king.
It’s not uncommon for a small case to be unresolved. If it’s really a small case, it’s even a big one. I think the truth can be surfaced as soon as possible with one order. Actually, it takes a lot of’ fine’ effort and hard work to make the case gradually emerge. In a word, it’s also difficult for a judicial officer to be human.
And this case will be solved so quickly, and it’s all thanks to the fact that all the judicial machines can’t help but look at Longyou and feel a little embarrassed.
Fiction network
Chapter 312 had an accident
After all, the captain is very busy, although he is very interested in Longyou, but after all, there are many procedures behind the case, so he said goodbye to Longyou after a short sentence.
Seeing here, Longyou was calm again, and he didn’t feel relaxed because of the departure of the judicial machine. There was always a string in his heart, Li Yan, who wanted to give the ruined old man Li Shuren a chance, but this decision always made Longyou subconsciously doubt. Would it really be so simple to tell Uncle Yan?
"Longyou, what is this?" Vice Guo came along next to him. He knew something about love. You can know that Longyou hid some truth from the answer between Longyou and the captain.
Vice President Guo is very suspicious and confused. Every enterprise hates ghosts. Since it is an enterprise, it is not only bad for the enterprise to take off and contribute to the service, but also to sell the enterprise. This is a "traitor" and you can’t show mercy to the "traitor".
He was afraid that old Li would shake things out for him, so he was relieved of Longyou’s practice.
Longyou wry smile this time didn’t catch Guo, deputy plait, not sure whether he has a former Guo or a deputy factory director. Longyou has a sense to explain things.
"What was his idea? How could he do it?" Guo, vice not surprised way
He hesitated in Longyou’s heart and finally showed mercy. I didn’t think it was Li Yan’s idea.
If it is said that Longyou advocates Guo Fu, it is understandable, but now I know that it is Li Yan who intercedes, and his heart is suddenly on fire. He doesn’t care about Longyou, but Li Yan is sitting on the factory director’s hook to prepare the pillar. How can he be so irresponsible?
"Dragon big chairman, you said this is wrong. We should be rewarded and punished. If you have credit, I can reward you. If you are in trouble, I can find a way to help you, but no matter how difficult it is now, you can’t make fun of the company’s principle of’ sex’. Li Yan, what kind of abuse is this? I’ll find him! "
Longyou hurriedly stopped Guo, deputy director of Shi Guo. Longyou felt very Japanese, and so did his thoughts, but now that he has promised Li Yan, he can’t go back on his word.
He can say to Guo Fu, "Let’s do this in advance. I will make a decision when Uncle Yan comes back. I don’t think there is anything wrong with his idea."
"Are you? Am I wrong? Steel mills should wipe their asses! " This let Guo, deputy director of the face’ color’ suddenly changed very dissatisfied watching Longyou.
"Of course not," Longyou hurriedly explained. "I mean, I have learned a lot about Uncle Yan."
Longyou’s heart never wavered and began to rise. This is endless!
"oh! Really? I don’t know if I should say something, but I, Lao Guo, have such a straight temper that I don’t want to hide anything from you and I don’t want to hide it from you. I have great opinions on your handling of opinions! " Vice Guo angrily said, "An enterprise needs talents for everything. It needs people who are willing to’ spend’ their strength. But we would rather have waste and lazy people who don’t work, but we can’t raise’ traitors’. When we meet such people, we must not be polite to the chairman!"
Longyou crustily skin of head said, "The handling must be handled, but I think uncle Yan should understand and we also need to take care of the old employees’ ideas."
"So I said that he did something wrong first. Don’t forget that he is not the largest shareholder of the steel mill. You, the chairman of Longda, are!" Guo, deputy director of the factory, said angrily, "We are all your deputies. We can have different opinions on your practice, but we can’t make decisions. At ordinary times, your father is your uncle, but you can’t be a steel mill or an elder!"
Guo’s vice words are not unreasonable, but it is difficult for him to be guilty of being honest with Wang Jing, which is tantamount to being "treacherous". Every time he thinks about it, he will comfort himself. This is the necessary payment to get the position of factory director.
And Longyou was shocked by Guo Fu’s remarks. He looked at a face of anger. Guo Fu couldn’t help but nodded. Guo Fu said that there was nothing wrong with himself. He hesitated. "I will tell Yan Shu that Guo Zhu should not be too’ excited’ …" He just stopped here because he saw several people running towards him.
It seems that there is a hunch that Longyou is not surprised. Is there something happening?
Longyou knows that these people are all three-car quality engineers, and they are all important data workers. They are all steel mill managers. It is understandable that ordinary workers are in such a hurry, but it is a bit confusing for Longyou that they actually happened.
"Something happened to Long Shao!" A quality engineer rushed to the front of Longyou panting way
Longyou’s heart sank and hurriedly said, "Tell me what happened." Guo’s anger subsided with a shock in his heart. Many eyes looked at the quality engineers in surprise and said, "What happened again?" "Today, we checked the machine data with the technical department." The first quality engineer’s face was pale. "We found that there was something wrong with the data. The data has been tampered with." "What?" Longyou and Guo Fu’s face’ color’ can’t help but change greatly. "What data will take us to see!"
Will you listen to the introduction of the quality engineer? Longyou quickly came to the technical center of the steel plant. When he saw Longyou, he rushed here, and the technicians inside were all in charge.
"Dragon, you are here!" The technical director greeted Longyou and brought him to his head. With the mouse clicking continuously, Longyou’s face became whiter and whiter, and the data was changed by one millimeter less than the original data!
Although the difference is one millimeter, it will cause a major accident. If something goes wrong, we must trace the source and find ourselves here.
The national orientation of steel works is very important. The main reason is that if there is a problem with the national economy and people’s livelihood, it must be a big problem!
Longyou felt as if something exploded in his mind, and he suddenly thought of something.
"Is this the goods that the 313 Institute wants?" Longyou nervous asked
"I just want to report to Long Shao that it is the batch." The technical master also knows the seriousness of this matter, so he immediately gave Longyou an accurate answer.
"Where is the spot?" Deputy Guo, of course, understands the seriousness of the matter, but it is related to the military industry. No matter how small the country is, everything is a big deal. If something goes wrong, it will be a loss for the enterprise. If it is heavier, it will be a loss for the whole country. Who can afford it?
This is pushing the steel mill into the fire pit! Vice Guo suddenly turned white. He seemed to see a black hand coming towards himself, and he probably turned white. This black hand came from the side but resisted because he was also a black hand. Guo’s deputy brain’ door’ suddenly left a big sweat on the soybean.
"The goods have been sent for inspection, but it has been a long time, and I don’t know if it has been loaded with trucks." The technical director doesn’t specialize in this, so he doesn’t know.
Longyou heart is not a shock was immediately took out the phone to the clinical laboratory.
"It’s Long Shao. You can rest assured that the 313 Institute wants steel. All the departments have passed the inspection. I’ll do it. Don’t worry!" From the words came a loud and confident voice, "If you let the cargo out of here, it will be steady if you don’t brag with you!"
Longyou couldn’t help swearing, "Go to you!" Then he hung up the phone and dialed the words of the loading and unloading center of the steel mill.
"Hey, it seems that I didn’t make any mistakes. Why would a dragon treat me so badly?" Senior inspection section chief is not "dew" out of the startled "color" listening to the beep hang-up tone in the mobile phone I don’t know what happened.
"Is the dragon less? You said that the batch of steel has been loaded and has already started! " When I heard the decisive answer from the other party, I felt that the whole person had realized that there was another way, that is, hanging the access room directly. If there is no factory’ door’, there is still room for redemption.
Otherwise, even if the car is intercepted, it will be a generation of law for the institute.
Thinking of this, Longyou immediately said to the other party, "Don’t tell the institute now that they are ready to accept the goods and wait for the inspection notice. I will tell you later!" Longyou hung up again without waiting for the other party to react.
"Hey, what’s the matter? It’s customary to inform the institute of the good goods. Is there any quality problem?" Loading and unloading center master a face of startled hesitated to react.
Everyone in the technical department’s’ door’ field of the iron and steel plant is hung up with Longyou’s words, and when every bad news comes, it can’t help but sink.

Looking at Zhang Ting from the back, the two brothers looked at each other and saw the white eyes from each other’s eyes.

At the same time, the two brothers looked at them with fascination. They just came back after sending Zhang Ting out. Hao Ren looked over here.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hao Ren found that he had just returned and let these two guys stare at him like wolves’ eyes.
Zhan Xi touched the back of his head and looked at Hao Ren and asked, "What did Brother Hao Ren say just now? Why can’t I understand that?"
"Yes, I don’t understand what it means that Sister Xiaoting may also help us a little?" War Hao also looked at Hao Ren with a puzzled face.
"You two are not surprised. I guess your little sister means that if you receive insufficient food during the disaster relief, she can ask her to give us some food to help."
Zhan Xi and Zhan Hao glanced at each other and both brothers’ eyes were moved.
Both of them know that their little sister’s food here is not easy to move, but it’s going to Honggujun’s side
But they lost their little sister, and they just thought about it and didn’t want to move.
"Well, if you are grateful to your little sister, you should behave well in this matter, and don’t lose face for us, otherwise you will be really sorry for your little sister’s support." Hao Ren patted their brothers on the shoulder and charged them.
When Zhan Xi and Zhan Hao heard it, their faces showed a picture of confidence that they must succeed.
Two days later, recommended by Hao Ren, Lin Chen and Li Shi, Zhan Xi and Zhan Hao finally got a relief job with Lin Chen.
Of course, the fact that these two brothers got such an errand naturally made many people watch the fun.
At this time, when I was in Erwangyefu and heard the news that my informant came back, he immediately broke a fine teacup in the hall.
"How come you still haven’t found that Ziyi real person?" Vent one’s anger in one’s heart and respect the people kneeling on the ground.
"Not yet. We have searched all corners of the palace, but we still can’t find a trace of Ziyi."
War statue after hearing these face became more gloomy.
"Damn it, where did that damn old man catch Ziyi?"
At this time, the Zen mind is seven.
If Ziyi did not find him, his heart would never be quiet for a moment.
If the old man knows that Ziyi is a real person, he specially sought to poison the old man, then his life will really be saved.
"The king will give you another chance. No matter what you do, you must find Ziyi, or you will not come back to see the king alive."
People on their knees walked out of the hall shivering.
At this time, Zhan Zun was left alone in the quiet hall.
The hall is quiet and terrible when you come. This terrible expression on his face makes this hall look gloomy.
"I can’t believe that the old six and the old seven are so busy and there are ways to get a job to do. Hehe, it seems that the two younger brothers Wang are not thinking about the chair in Xiao."
There are two things here in Wangfu, and Hao Ren and others don’t know about it at this time.
Now the whole family of Hong Wangfu is giving Zhan Xi and Zhan Hao such a good opportunity to celebrate.
If there are Lin Chen and his wife, as well as Li Shifu, in addition to Hong Wangfu, in the great palace hall.
"After Prime Minister Lin, these two children please take care of me a lot. Zhang Tingxian is here to replace wine with tea."
Although Lin Chen and Li Shi are not very welcome to come here today, tin and Zhan Hao are two guys who are doing things outside after World War I, and they have to rely on these two to help Zhang Ting put aside what he doesn’t like in his heart and put business ahead.
Lin Chen glanced at Zhang Ting’s dazed eyes, which had already drunk the teacups, and flashed a bit surprised at the same time.
He looked back at the day behind him and always felt that the sun was rising from the west today.
Otherwise, Mrs. Hong Shaofu, who is not welcome to herself at ordinary times, actually took the initiative to propose a toast to herself today.
After Zhang Ting finished drinking, he saw that he was motionless and didn’t even take his glass. Suddenly, Zhang Ting tightened his brow. "Why isn’t Prime Minister Lin going to consider a request from Zhang Ting?"
Lin Chen went back to Shenmakou. "No, Lin felt a little flattered. At ordinary times, Mrs. Hong Shao is a respectful distance from Lin. Today, Mrs. Hong Shao actually took the initiative to propose a toast to Lin. Lin was so surprised."
Hearing him say that, Zhang Ting’s face crossed an embarrassed expression.
Actually, I don’t want anything from others. I guess I will still treat them with that smelly face.
Who told people to come here every time in the name of trying to take Beier away from her?
I’d be surprised if I would welcome him.
"Prime Minister Lin is overrated. Every time Prime Minister Yu Lin comes to Zhang Ting, he is very welcome." Zhang Ting preached to him with a look of open eyes and nonsense.
Anyway, I can’t offend this guy at this time.
Just coax this guy for the time being.
Wait until Zhan Xi and Zhan Hao get things done here and then change back to their former attitude.
Hao Ren, sitting next to Zhang Ting, listened to his wife’s picture, saying that death can survive. This attitude could not help but bend his mouth.
Chapter 19 Be obedient!
Lin Chen shook his head and smiled in his mind. This little lady Hong treated him like a fool, didn’t she?
"Good Lin also did it." Well, since people think they are stupid, they should be stupid once. Anyway, even if people don’t say that they will help take care of the two emperors.
Zhang Ting saw that he finally finished drinking the wine in the cup and finally showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.
It’s Li Shi’s turn
"Master Li, I, Zhang Ting, also drink tea instead of wine. I hope Master Li can take care of the tin brothers in World War I in the face of Hong Wangfu." Then Zhang Ting also drank the tea in the cup again.
Li Shi took one look at the happy tea, and Zhang Ting looked at Hao Ren who had finished it.
Finally, I touched my nose and drank the glass of wine before me honestly.
He dare not offend the little lady Hong now.
Who call somebody else now is the most important person in his son’s heart?
He’s sure that if he doesn’t bring this little lady Hong back, there will always be a day when his son will ignore him as his real father.
Li Shi couldn’t help thinking of something that happened the other day.
Once he accidentally didn’t know which sentence offended the lady Hong Shao in front of him.
When he returned to the frenzy, his son suddenly came with him for a month and a half without saying anything.
Later, it was his dad who asked in a low spirit that he realized that his son was angry with his father for not respecting his son Aunt Zhang Ting.
After this incident, Li Shi never dared to disrespect Zhang Ting again.
I’m afraid my son will give him the cold shoulder for a while again one day.
At this time, Zhang Ting didn’t know that Li Shi had thought of so many things in his heart.
If she knew, she would have a smirk.
Zhang Ting looked at Li Shi’s face and smiled more and more satisfied.
"You two do a good job. If you don’t understand anything, ask Prime Minister Lin or Li Guogong. They will all help you hear it." After respecting two important figures, Zhang Ting, he just looked at Zhan Xi and Zhan Hao.
Zhan Xi and Zhan Hao looked at Zhang Ting seriously and promised that "Sister Xiaoting, don’t worry, we won’t let you down".