In fact, except for the level of god beast and sub-god beast, the six-color Dapeng Golden Winged Bird Fengpeng is already extremely strong among the wind-attribute animals.

If it weren’t for other places in the fixed wind field, it would be really rare to see them. Even if it’s empty, it’s famous, and it’s fast, and even if it’s fit, it’s not necessarily possible to catch it if it’s not torn In the ancient records of male and female witches and wizards, …

Looking at Zhang Ting from the back, the two brothers looked at each other and saw the white eyes from each other’s eyes.

At the same time, the two brothers looked at them with fascination. They just came back after sending Zhang Ting out. Hao Ren looked over here. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Hao Ren found that he had just returned and let these two guys stare at him like wolves’ eyes. Zhan Xi …

Tianhe medicine is like a dark horse that has entered the pharmaceutical industry from the small town of Y City.

Read here, Du Yu pondered it carefully, picked up the stone table and entered the press conference. "Let’s go and have a look. After the press conference, I should also enter the new world, so let myself have a day off." This month, Du Yu finally practiced the ice palm into a palm with the …

He came to the outside of the hall and saw that there was no room outside Li Zhichang Hall facing a screen, and there was a copybook. Li Zhichang held out his finger and did nothing.

At this time, it was Li Zhichang hall, where the dynasty was still Cai Jing’s post, and Cai Jing was later called the Six Thieves, but now Li Zhichang’s name is not bad, and the law is not contemptuous. Li Zhichang now appreciates the’ Jiefu post’, but it can also be seen that Cai Jingfa …

When I ran to the building, I saw at a glance that Dai Xiao cloth, the head of the corner of the building, was squatting there shivering and there were several barrels of gasoline beside me.

Without hesitation, I picked up another barrel of gasoline, uncovered the stairs, and waited for the gossipy woman’s body to come after me and poured a few more. At the same time, I told the men to open the lids of his petrol cans and put them beside me. As soon as I ran to …

Roaring far away, the dark clouds are thick as ink and frantic, and the whirling covers the pressure side, covering half of the sky as if it were extinct.

But even so, the robbery cloud is still accumulating and Tianwei is growing! Looking at the nine-day closed snow valley peaks, all the demons turned pale. "That … what is that JieYun? There is purple light …! " "Is it that Luoyu … crossed the nine days?" "Can’t you? Does he have a perfect world? …

I almost fainted in Li Chengzhu. Aren’t these guys so cute?

"If I know who he is, I always have to punch his head in the ass!" Li Chengzhu was indignant. Position an exposed sneak attack troops suddenly got into trouble and felt thick spiritual pressure coming toward this side quickly. Gu Linglong decided, "Come on! Come with me! " As soon as the words are …

Zhang Yihu should come out, followed by seven people.

Zhang Yihu asked, "What are you yelling about? What happened?" Jiang Baili was so anxious that he stamped his feet and handed over the local newspaper folder. "Commander, something happened to the president!" Chapter one thousand one hundred and thirty-seven Just one move! Jiang Baili got a fright at Zhang Yihu in a word and …